Chapter 8

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** Authors note: Hey guys, really sorry but for the next two weeks there won't be many updates as one of our writers is on holiday, and I can't do it alone haha. Will be updating as much as we can! Don't forget to vote and comment guys. Btw are you team Harry? Or team Niall? Liv an Em **

The last time I saw Niall I felt nothing but heartache and sorrow, this time when I saw Niall, I felt nothing but anger. He seemed really controlling making out like I am some type of property of his.

This was the first time that I had actually taken full attention to how Niall looks. The first time I saw him, I was full of shock, and could barley make out what he even properly looked like. Niall looks so much more grown up from what I remember him. He has bleach blonde hair which is messily quiffed up, totally different from how it used to be when I knew him 3 years ago. His eyes. They were the perfect shade of light blue, the type of blue that you could feel yourself getting lost in. I had to stop myself from making eye contact with him, because his eyes had the power to make me fall in love with him all over again. I couldn't let that happen, not again.

The look in Nialls eyes was enough to make you tremble with fear. He was infuriated. I could see the heat radiating through his body as his face turned a crimson red. His eyes squinted straight at Harry and his eyebrows deepened. But I was done with being scared, hurt, broken. I spent the last 3 years feeling that way, all I could feel right now, was burning anger heating up inside of me.

Harry's POV

Jersey was enraged with anger. Her normal calm and pleasant mood slowly changed and her face showed her whole emotion. Her nostrils flared, her eyes flashing, closing into slits.

Before I could even respond, Jersey stormed over towards Niall, aggressively pushing him to the wall with her hands gripped onto his shoulders. He was just as shocked as we all were. My mouth was wide open. Maddie's hands were pushed against her mouth in shock and Zayn stood in total confusion. What had happened to Jersey? The last time she saw him, she fainted. And now it looks like she's happy to rip his head off, but I don't exactly blame her.

"Jersey please just let me explain!" He pathetically whimpered, for fuck sake Niall give it a rest.

Jersey sarcastically laughed in his face.

" Niall, you have had long enough to explain. I waited three years for you, wasted three years on you! I never ever want to see your face again you worthless piece of shit!" She snarled.

Maddie and Zayn both latched on to Jerseys arms, pulling Niall out of her grasp. She screamed for them to let go but they continued to pull her away. They knew this was a totally different side to Jers, and they knew it had to be stopped. I didn't bother doing anything, I love to see Niall overpowered, and I love to see the girl I lik-, I mean Jersey, stand up for herself.

Jerseys POV

"Jers just fucking come with me! I need to explain everything! You don't understand how much I've missed you. I lo- "

Every word that left his mouth lead my anger to rise more and more.

"You don't understand how much I've missed you". How can he say that, after abandoning me without reason for 3 fucking years. How can he say he missed me? My anger was building up to the point where I felt weak and drained, I felt pathetic. I wanted to hear his explination, but I couldn't even bare to look at him. I backed away and leant against the wall, sighing deeply.

I felt Harrys hand touch mine, calming me instantly.

"Jers, we can get out of here if you want"

I knew that if I stayed here, Niall wouldn't leave. He wouldn't like me leaving with Harry, but I couldn't bare to face him for much longer.

"Yes, can we go now please?"

Harry gave me a reassuring smile and nodded slowly, locking his fingers with mine. He lead me down the hallway and held my hand even tighter, flushing away all my anger and hatred.

"Harry fucking get off of her, you don't deserve someone like her" Niall screamed, I turned around and noticed Zayns arms wrapped around Niall, restraining him.

"Oh and you do?" Harry smirked.

Maddie and I both exchanged glances, but said nothing. We turned our backs to them and walked out of the campus towards Harrys car.

Once we reached Harrys car we sat in silence for a couple of minutes, I think we were both just trying to snap out of what just happened. The anger that I was filled with 5 minutes ago had now turned to emptiness and a sense of sadness. I sat and stared at the droplets of rain falling down the windscreen. All I could think about was him, the way his face fell when he saw me leave without him. My heart began to ache again, how could I feel so much but so empty at the same time?

Before I could even mutter a word to Harry, tears streamed down my face and I placed my head in my hands, and started to sob. God, I felt pathetic.

"Hey, hey Jers its okay"

I felt Harry rake his hands through my hair and I sat up and looked at him. Even just a simple look from him was comforting.

"I'm sorry, I'm pathetic I-"

"No, you're not. I understand"

There were so many questions that I wanted to ask Harry, so many answers that I knew he could give me. But right now, all I wanted was to feel the comfort that I could feel from him.

Harrys POV

I hate to see her cry, it kills me. But she even looks so beautiful while she's in a complete mess. Only Jers.

I raised my hand and placed it softly on her cheek, wiping away her tears with my thumb. She smiled softly and placed her hand on top of mine. I never realized how much I wanted her until now, god I want her so badly.

I leant in closer to her, signalling that this was the perfect time. And all of a sudden, her lips crashed into mine and I couldn't help but instanty smile, I felt her smile back and I rested my hands on her thighs.

I had wanted to kiss her for so long. God, this was so hot. Slowly, I plunged my tounge inside her mouth and mingled it with hers. She placed her hand in my hair and tugged gently.

Fuck, she drives me crazy.

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