Chapter 3

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"Finally" I muttered.

I gently turned the room key into the lock and peered through the door. As I walked through, a girl walked out of the bathroom, we both screamed in fright, as we scared each other which caused us to burst into laughter.

"Oh my god I'm sorry! I didn't think you would be here, I thought you would be in a lesson!" I laughed.

"No no, I don't have any lessons first. Anyway you must be Jersey, I'm your new roomate, Kate Evans. Sorry for the startle." she responded politely, gesturing her hand to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you Kate, I'm Jersey Thomas." I smiled.

Kate was beautiful. She had long wavy ash blonde hair, which elegantly cascaded down hair back, and her eyes were a light shade of brown, almost hazel.

She pointed to a bed that was placed against the wall.

"Thats your bed, I know they don't look so comfy but they're honestly not that bad" she laughed, while tying her long blonde hair into a pony tail.

I walked over and placed my bags at the side of a tall set of chester drawers, the thought of unpacking made me more tired than I already was. I sat at the edge of my bed, and groaned loudly.

"Its all a little overwhelming isn't it, you moved here from Australia right?"

"It sure is, I haven't even done much yet and I already feel exhausted. And yeah how'd you guess? Wait stupid question, its the accent isn't it?"

"Well judging by your slightly tanned natural skin, it was a wild guess that you're not from around here. But yeah, the accent was the give away"

We both laughed. I don't know what I was so worried about, Kate seemed so nice. I hope the rest of the people on campus were like her, Maddie, Zayn and everyone else.

"Sorry if it seems a little forward but, I was going to get a bite to eat at a cafe round the corner after third period with my frie-, well boyfriend. Wanna come with? Feel free to say no I totally understand, I mean we haven't known eachother for 10 minutes but-"

I cut her off before she could finish.

"No I would love to, I think I need as many friends as possible considering I'm a newbie. What lesson do you have third?"

Kate picked up a piece of paper from her desk and examined it closely.

"History with Mr Lester, you?"

"Ummmm, hold on let me just check"

I rumged through my bag and pulled out my notebook, she was clearly more organised than I was. As I struggled to find my timetable, a piece of paper slipped out from a page of the notebook.

As I reached down to pick up the piece of paper of what I am guessing is my time table, a loud knock on the door startled me.

"I'll get it!" Kate said gently, and made her way towards the door. As she opened it, Maddie was stood playing with a curl in her hair and a blunt, awkward expression wiped across both Maddie and Kates faces.

"Well, I'm guessing its for you.." Kate said bluntly.

Maddie barged through the door and paced quickly towards my bed and sat beside me.

"Okay so, you ready for me to show you around campus? Don't worry about unpacking yet, it'll take you 5 minutes"

"Well actually, Kate was going to show me around but you can too? Also we wer-"

"Oh, no. It's okay then. I'll just see you after fifth period? And then at my dorm to get ready for the party later?" Maddie said sharply.

Kate turned around and sat quietly at her desk, I couldn't help but feel like there was some sort of tension between the two of them, but I chose to ignore it. I nodded at Maddie and she stood up quickly and walked towards the door.

"Oh and Jers, wear something hot okay. There are going to be a lot of frat boys there!" Maddie said while smirking, I laughed and nodded, and she closed the door behind her.

Frat boys? Seriously, why would fraternity boys be interested in me. Even though they are supposedly extremely flirty and are attracted to anything with a pulse.

Kate and I had been wandering around campus for at least half an hour now, she had shown me where all of my lessons were and more.

We got to know each other more, and I found out that she has an older brother called Dylan that goes here, and he's in a band.

She also told me that her parents are divorced like mine, we shared our stories about our parents divorce and it was nice to finally meet someone that I had so much in common with.

She is also the captain of the netball team on campus, which I am hoping to join aswell with her, even though I'm hardly sporty but still it's something to do.

"So, what's your first lesson then?" Kate asked, glancing over at my timetable.

"Yay! We're in the same lesson!" Kate shrieked.

I was so relieved that I wasn't going to be on my own. The bell rang and the campus just flooded with people, it was way too busy!

Kate and I got sat down at the front of the class, and of course we were earlier than everyone else. After five minutes, an older handsome man walked in just as the clock stroke 10:00, more students then began to walk in and fill the room.

"Hello class, as some of you already know, I'm Mr O'Conell and I'll be your teacher for English this semester"

Wow, he was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off him. The teachers back in Australia definitely did not look like that.

His jaw was perfectly defined and was covered with dark stubble. He had a a muscular body, and a tatooed sleeve which was visible under his white shirt, which fitted perfectly into his black trousers. His brown hai- ... I need to snap out of these thoughts, he was my teacher for god sake, not someone that I could drool over for an hour.

"Ok so, I hear we have a new student in our class, from Australia? Well thats as exciting as the class is gonna get so, please introduce yourself, Jersey." Mr O'Conell spoke loudly.

I gasped and the whole room fell quiet. I awkwardly stood and said quietly. "Uh, yeah hi.." sounds of quiet laughter broke out from the back of the room. I sat back down, and embarrassment filled inside of me. Seriously, can this lesson just be over already?

If that wasn't bad enough, I have a party in less than 8 hours and I have literally nothing to wear.

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