Chapter 5

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A ray of sunlight broke through the curtains and all I could feel was my head pounding, I felt terrible. I opened my eyes fully and Harry's perfectly defined face came into focus. He look so beautiful while he was asleep, small curls felt into his face and hi- wait, fuck! How did I end up in Harry's bed?

I quickly shot up and muttered various swear words under my breath, placing my head in my hands. Why do I have to be so stupid?

"Don't worry, nothing happened"

Harry sat up beside me and raked his hand through his head of curls. A sense of relief blew over me. I felt so much more relaxed, but that was probably because Harry's morning voice was the most relaxing yet sexiest thing I had ever heard.

I turned to look at him and he was already smirking.

"So what happened? How did I end up in your bed?" I laughed softly.

"Well, I was actually going to take a pis- pee, and then I noticed you basically unconscious laid in the bathtub. Maddie and Zayn had already gone home, basically everyone had and I drank too much to drive you to campus. So I picked you up, took you upstairs and out you in my bed. And that's all that happened, I swear I wouldn't take advantage of you like that"

I couldn't help but smile, my head began to spin even more and it wasn't just from my hangover. Harry was so sweet for doing that. Without even thinking, I leant over to him and kissed his cheek softly.

"Thank you" I tried not to blush.

Harry's cheeks turned red a little.

"My pleasure" he winked.

"So, do you live here with Liam?"

"Yeah, I haven't for long but it's a lot better than the frat house that I used to stay in"

"Ah, so you're a frat boy?" I nudged his shoulder with mine gently.

"No, I used to be" he nudged me back and his eyes fixed onto mine.

I like how comfortable I feel with Harry, despite knowing him for less than 24 hours, I already felt close to him. I unlocked my eyes from his and started at the clock on the wall. Shit! It was 11:12, Kate would be wondering where I am, considering I've been out all night.

I shot up quickly out of bed.

"I better go" I said, adjusting the fit of my dress.

"Already?" the smirk that Harry held upon his face slowly started to disappear.

"Yeah sorry, it's just that my roommate and Maddie will probably be wondering where I am"

Harry got out of bed and opened a drawer that was placed at the side of his bed, I couldn't help but state at his bare chest, and all of his tattoos that were placed so perfectly upon his skin. I swear, he is just flawless.

He walked over to me and placed my phone in my hand.

"Don't forget this, I found it in the bathtub you know when you were..dead"

We both laughed and I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Well thanks, again. Ok so I guess I'll, see you around?" I gave him a smile and headed for the door, but he grabbed my wrist before I could reach the handle, pulling me back to face him.

"Ah not so fast, so there's some type of bonfire party thing on the beach tomorrow night. So I guess I'll pick you up from campus at around sevenish?"

His hand slipped down from my worst and his fingers intertwined with mine, again. I couldn't help but grin.

"I'll see you then"

"Yeah, you will" he winked and I laughed softly, shaking my head. Everything about Harry was just magical, I hadn't felt like this since I felt met Nia- ok I need to stop.

Once I left Harry's room I called Maddie from outside and she picked me up, I had to explain to her the whole ride back to campus that the whole thing wasn't what she was thinking.


Kate and I decided that we would go to the library and "study". By that I meant I would be reading a book while Kate studies. The library was great to keep your mind off things, as it's so quiet and relaxing.

I needed to push the thought of Niall to the back of my mind. However, somehow I felt like I let Niall down when I slept in the same bed with Harry, which was totally bizarre. I only just met him that night, it's just so unlike me. I mean Niall and I haven't talked in a year, and he was the one who left me without no reason, with nothing. So why should I feel bad? I haven't even looked at a guy until now. Besides it's not like Niall and I are in a relationship...

Kate and I had arrived and the place was very vacant. There was barely anyone here, but I can't complain because that would mean there isn't any noise. Kate quickly spotted a place for us to sit.

"I better go find a good book to read, Won't be a sec Kate "

"Alright Jers " Kate responded, as she rapidly flicked through her assignment book.

I walked down the the library aisle and skimmed through the titles of the books until I finally reached a book that looked interesting. *To kill a mocking bird* A smile washed over my face, as I grabbed the book from the shelf and turned away to walk back. Before I could walk any further, I felt a shoulder bump into mine, knocking my book as well as theirs to the ground.

"Watch where you're walki-" I rudely exclaimed, until I looked up to see who it was.

"Louis! What are you doing here? I didn't think you were the library type of guy" I chuckled.

" What, no! Im just here to get some space. My roommate was driving me crazy!" Louis groaned, as he collected his books as well as mine from the floor. I laughed.

"So you and Harry last night ey ey" he wiggled his eyebrows at me, giving me a shoulder bump.

"No nothing happened we were just in the same bed Lou" I hesitantly replied, unsure about whether or not he would believe me.

"Wait what?! I just meant because you were with each other the whole of the party. I didn't have clue you slept in the same bed as Harry!" Louis cheekily winked once again.

"Oh, shit. Well I guess we both have secrets that should be kept between just us" I smirked, knowing he wouldn't understand what I meant by 'we both have secrets'.

"Wait, my secret is?" Louis questioned me.

"We'll just think about it Lou" I gestured my hands to his handful of books. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Anyway I gotta get back to Kate, it was nice seeing you in a change of scenery anyway" I pushed his shoulder gently.

"Yeah yeah, oh wait here, your book. Great choice by the way, I've rea- I mean, looks good" he handed my book to me and I couldn't help but laugh. I love Louis, he's always so funny without even trying.

After a few hours at the library, me and Kate decided to head back to our dorm.

When we got back, I reached for my phone that I left on my bedside table. I had another missed call from my Mom. Shit. I was meant to call her back from lastnight. Before I could even dial her number, a huge smile wiped across from my face when I noticed a text from Harry.

*Can't wait to see you again tomorrow night, see you soon babe 😉 *

I had never smiled this much while I had been over here, and it was all because of him. He even helped me to forget about Niall, wait, did I just say that?

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