Chapter 2

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** Authors note; we don't exactly know how long each chapter has to be, so sorry if it is too short or long. Please let us know if there are any spelling/grammar errors. Remember to vote, comment, share and follow! Thanks Liv and Em **

* 2 weeks later *

"Are you excited honey?" There was something about the sound of my Moms over eager voice early in the morning that almost sent me over the edge. I sat quietly at the breakfast table and took a sip of my orange juice, ignoring her question. Of course I wasn't going to be excited I don't know anyone, apart from Maddie who lives next door, she's really nice and I guess one friend is better than none.

"Jers, it's almost 8 aren't you meeting your new friend Melissa?" My mom questioned.

"Maddie. It's Maddie mom, and yes I'm going right now."

I took one last sip of my orange juice and stood up from the table, before I could even make one more step my Mom already had her arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm so proud of you honey, they're all going to love you. You've always managed to make friends so easily"she boasted.

"Thanks Mom." I replied.

She kissed the top of my head and examined my outfit.

"Well that top is a little revealing but other than that you look gorgeous" she commented while raising one eyebrow.

I turned around and was dived on by Freya, giving me a huge hug. I will by far miss her the most.

"Make sure you look after that necklace okay frey? If you ever need me, remember I'm just a phone call away. I will try and visit you as much as possible." I whispered in her ear.

I broke the hug, and gently tucked her hair around her ear, causing a cute little smile to appear on her face.

"I will miss you!" she replied. Her face looked broken. She seemed really upset that I was leaving. This would be the first time we are going to be apart for so long. I gave everybody warming smiles and said my final goodbyes before leaving through the door.

Maddies car was parked at the end of my driveway, I could see her through the window and she was smiling brightly, as usual. Her hair was in immaculate tight brunette curls that just reached the top of her shoulders. She was probably classed as one of the "hot girls" around here and she probably has a good popular reputation too. Hopefully strolling onto campus with her will help me make more than just one friend. I didn't know who I would be sharing a room with, hopefully it would be someone nice and not someone that's judgemental or rude.

"Hey hey, girl you look smokin" she yelled while rolling down her car window.

"Oh why thank you" I said, opening her car door.

She turned to face me.

"Is it ok if we meet some friends of mine before we go to campus? It's just at a smoothie place, it's not far from here and who knows maybe you'll find some of the guys hot" she winked at me and laughed.

"That's fine" I said while laughing lightly, I chose to ignore the part about the "hot guys".

"So are you excited? I know your first day seems like a pretty big deal but, its not that bad honest. Do you know the number of your room?" Maddie asked, while focusing her eyes on the road.

I wanted to believe her, but I knew she was just trying to calm my nerves.

"Yeah it's um, 213"

"Oh my god I'm 217 so we are practically roomies" She responded excitedly.

"I don't even know who I'm sharing a room with, what if she's a creep? Or I don't know, does cocaine?"

She laughed and adjusted the sunglasses that were placed ontop of her head.

"Jers, all of the girls on campus are totally nice, trust me. Stop fretting!"

I took a deep breath, and couldn't help but hope that she was right.

It was a 20 minute drive to the smoothie place, and the topic of conversation changed from campus to all of Maddies friends, and of course her boyfriend who she has been with for 5 months named "Zayn". Maddie explained that he was British and moved to America when he was 16, he obviously found ways to fit in better than I could though.

"Here we are, they are all probably inside. Come on, let's go." Maddie said, while taking one last look in her car mirror, perfecting her red lipstick.

We got out of the car and Maddie lead me into the smoothie place, it was busy and quite loud to say that it was almost 8:30 in the morning.

"There they are!"

I turned to where Maddie pointed and noticed three people sat at a round table, and their eyes instantly darted towards me. My stomach sank, I felt as if my feet had sank into the ground. Maddie grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the table.

"So guys, this is Jersey. The girl that I was telling you about the other night"

A tall boy, with tanned skin and dark hair stood up and kissed Maddie on the cheek, wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hey babe"

He turned to me and smiled, he was just like Maddie had described him. He was very handsome.

"You must be, Jersey? I'm Zayn" his accent was adorable, and deeply British.

I smiled brightly and placed my hand infront of him, expecting him to shake it. He laughed and pulled me in for a hug.

"Let me grab you both a chair" Zayn spoke. He was very polite, to say he was covered in tattoos and piercings. My first thought of him that he would be abnoxious and rude, but it seemed I had misjudged him.

A blonde girl with long straight hair was sat facing me, she had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. She noticed me staring at her and smiled, "Im Laila, Maddie has told us all a lot about you, I-"

The boy sat beside her interuppted, his hair was a light shade of brown and was swept messly to the side, his eyes were a perfect shade of green and his smile was placed perfectly on his face.

"Yeah but she didn't mention anything about you being so hot, I'm Louis by the way" everyone laughed and I joined in, he reached his hand over the table and I shook it lightly.

"Don't be scared, he's only joking. Sometimes." Zayn explained while lauhging, placing his hand ontop of mine. I couldn't decide if he was flirty or just extremely polite. But I exchanged smiles anyway.

"So Jersey, Maddie told us that you moved here from Australia? I've always wanted to go there I bet the boys are super hot, what's it like there?"

"Yep, I moved because my step dad found work over here. I mean the weather is nice over there, it's literally taken me 2 weeks to get used to the major climate change, but it's also taken me 2 weeks to get used to the fact that I can't see my bestfriends anymore or-" I noticed that I was about to delve into my depressing life story. "- but other than that yeah its alright, and yes the boys were kind of hot. I doubt they took any interest in me though" I awkardly giggled.

"How could they not be?" Louis winked at me, causing my cheeks to flush.

"Oh god! I am already running late guys, I have 10 minutes to get to my class" Laila spoke, panicing. I could tell she was the type who didn't like to skip classes, or be late. That was one thing we had in common.

"Oh I almost forgot, remember the party tonight starts at 7 guys." Maddie announced to us all.

"The one at Liams place, right?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, hopefully it will be just as good as last years" Maddie replied in an excited tone.

"You up for it Jers?" Zayn asked, smiling.

I nodded and smiled. I liked how he called me Jers, it sounded great in his accent.

"Come to my dorm at 6 thirty ok Jers? We can get ready together." Maddie said, smiling.

I nodded again and returned a smile.

Wow I hadn't even been with these guys an hour and im already invited to a party. It feels kinda good. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.

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