Chapter 1

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** This is our first ever fanfic so no hate on it please. We will try to update chapters daily. If you like it so far please make sure you comment, share and vote please thankyou! Also follow us and we will follow back, Thanks Liv and Em **

"Everything packed Jersey?" my Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned, and chose to ignore her. She always hated that. And seen as though she decided to basically ruin my life and ship us off to America, I think she deserved the silent treatment. I heard the sound of her heavy heels making their way up the stairs, she opened my door dramatically.

"Did you hear me?" she asked.

"Yeah, can't you knock?" I replied in the same questioning tone.

She sighed and tapped her fingers on her hipbones.

"Look Jers, I know that this is going to be har-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"Shouldn't we be going then?" I asked, wearing a fake grin from ear to ear. She glared at me for a few seconds, I glared back and the atmopshere seemed some what awkward. "Yes yes, your da-, Ian will be waiting, you look lovely by the way hunny."

"Thanks." I replied in a formal tone. She smiled brightly and ran her hand over my shoulder. "We better hurry!" she exclaimed, squeezing my arm.

She turned to leave the room and I was in no way of a hurry to leave in the pace that she was, I turned around to take in the last tiny details of my room, another thing that my Mom insisted on taking away from me and replacing with something "better".

I quickly scrambled around in my drawers to see if there was anything important that I had forgotten, when I got to the last draw I noticed a crumpled piece of paper tucked in at the edge. I unwravled it quickly and my heart dropped when I realised what it was, a letter. I had forgotten about him for the past 2 years, and of course this had increased my bad mood immensely.

* Jers

Hey babe, I hope you're doing okay. I'm missing you so much, and I wish you could be here in America with me. I wish i could just hold you in my arms *

I couldn't finish the letter. I refused to re- read all of the lies that Niall had told me. I ripped the letter to pieces and let it scatter on the ground. Slumping against my wall, my palms cushioned my head as i re- looked back on my past with Niall.

Niall and I both met online when we were 15 years old, we talked day and night, every single day, and there wasn't a minute of the day that I didn't think of him. I cut off my previous relationship with my ex boyfriend Daniel for Niall, because my feelings were so strong for him. I hoped that we would finally get to meet, and my feelings for him would still be there. After a year of what seemed to be the happiest year of my life, Niall started to be more distant with me, and didn't take much interest anymore. He suddenly dissapeared out of my life, he didn't contact me anymore. I haven't heard a word from him since. Nothing.

I drag my bags roughly down the stairs and drop them on the white tiled floor, my sister runs towards me and basically tackles me with a hug over excitedly, jumping up and down with a huge grin placed upon her face.

" Freya, I get that you're excited but you're going to give me a headache so please can you get off me" I said in an annoyed tone. The grin on her face slowly started to dissapear and I couldn't help but feel bad. Shes 11 and I get that she's excited to move, she doesn't have as much to lose as I do. She didn't say anything and stared down at her feet, I didn't mean to be so hard on her but its just all too much to take in at the moment.

"I'm sorry, this moving thing is so fu- fricking stressful and stupid, I don't wanna go and its basically me starting a whole new life, Mom just doesn't want to see eye to eye with me on that you know? Anway, the other day while I was clearing all the things from my room and I found something that I want to give you." I said, hoping to make her cheerful again.

"Really?" her eyes beamed. The look on her face was pricless when she saw the necklace I pulled out from the back pocket of my jeans, my dad bought it me for 10th birthday but I stopped wearing it shortly after the divorce.

I twizzled the chain around my fingers, and noticed the detail on the crystalized gem stone. I didn't wear it , I was never going to wear it again and I knew that Freya had always liked it, so it was either give it to her or throw it away. I held out my hand with the necklace in my palm and smiled softly at her.

"I just thought maybe you would wa-" before I could finish my sentence she threw her arms around my neck and squealled.

"Really? Are you sure? For me? Thank you thank you thank you."

"It's fine, I knew you always liked it and I don't wear it so yeah, its yours" I said, returning the grin she was giving me.

"Come on then girls!" Ian yelled outside from the car, my Mom always pleaded for me to call him "Step Dad", but that was never going to happen. I mean, I appreciate all the things has done for my Mom, but he's not my dad. Then again, I'm not exactly a huge fan of my dad either. My Mom paced quickly behind us from the kitchen and wrapped her arms around our necks, pulling us towards her chest and squeezing tightly.

"This is a new adventure for all of us ok, its gonna be a little forgein at first but we'll get used to it. We have eachother, and thats all we need. Now, I think we've said enough farewells to the house, we need to go. Its going to be fun, fun, fun" she squealled.

I zoned out from her speech as soon as she said the words "we have eachother". I didn't say anything. I pulled myself from out of her grasp and picked up my bags. I groaned quietly but was practically screaming on the inside, and forcefully made my way towards the car outside. Something was urging me to turn around and have one last look at the house, but if I did I would probably run back inside and lock myself in the bathroom. I caught a glimpse in the corner of my eye of my Mum locking the front door for the last time, and turned away quickly and stared down at my feet.

I had my earphones in throughout the whole car journey to the airport, I wasn't going to forcfully involve myself and listen to my Mom ramble on about our "new life" and "new beginnings". Sometimes she takes things too far and doesn't understand that I am a 18 year old girl who actually has a life, but of course she takes control of that too.

I turned to look at Freya and caught her admirinig the necklace that I gave her placed upon her chest, at least something good came out of today so far. Once we arrived at the airport, I didn't want to get out of the car, because getting out of the car and going into the airport, means being one step closer to boarding a plane and never coming back here again.

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