Chapter 19

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The monolithic door shut silently behind me, and I could feel the outside world shaking. Wherever I was, I had made it in the nick of time. The inside of this place was nearly pitch black, and I stood with my hand against the door to wait for my eyes to adjust.

As soon as I was able to distinguish shapes, I hesitantly walked towards the center of the room. I felt my way clear of most of the large objects, but stumbled over many small ones that my hands didn't find. The middle of the room vibrated faintly, almost indistinguishably from the chaos of outside. I bent down to feel if there was anything there, and felt compelled to simply sit and wait. So I did.

Almost immediately, a ring of warm yellow light expanded from where I was sitting, giving an aura to each successive object it passed under. The haze lingered for a moment before fading away, but it gave me enough time to distinguish what it was illuminating. They were all objects I recognized, because they were all objects dear to me.

Some of them were miniatures, of the house I grew up in and the swingset I spent all my time on in elementary school. Some were representations of memories I didn't have objects to attach to. And one I hadn't seen at first began to walk toward me.

I leapt to my feet, walking backwards away from the figure. The various things arranged on the floor were knocked aside and dissolved into a hazy glow as I frantically tried to put as much distance between me and whoever that was. I backed against the wall and froze, terrified. The figure reached up to the hem of its hood and slowly pulled back, letting it fall onto its shoulders. Waves of auburn hair, the color I always wanted mine to have, cascaded in front of her shoulders. She reached towards me with tears in her eyes, palms down, to grasp my hands. I reached out, almost without meaning to.

"I'm sorry," she said, "so sorry..."

And I was thrown back violently into consciousness.


Might update again soon, I'm kind of on a roll now. Next chapter will be longer, promise. I'm hoping to start posting a chapter after writing the chapter that comes after it, so I always have a part waiting in case I don't get time to write or whatever. But we'll see, very rarely do my plans work out. :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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