Taken- Chapter 3

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Ok I know it's short.... but I'm putting off writing about the room because I want it to be totally wicked. Enjoy the fun-sized chapter!

Oh, also, if you comment and vote and stuff, I'll be your bffowbirai :) (Best Friend Forever On Wattpad Because I Really Appreciate It)


"Yes, really. Do you have to tell it, Nathan? It's really embarrassing."

"Sure do old pal. So, back in the old days, about a year ago, we just got the ship and the orders. They gave us a very brief course on navigation. Like, 'here's the power button. The steering wheel, reset button, owner's manual. Ok, bye!' but they didn't give us a map of the ship's interior. So, our friend Nolan here leaves the helm to, um, relieve himself. Now, this ship is really built to hold about 200 people. So it's got restaurants, game rooms and lots of hallways that look like each other's doppelgangers. So as I was saying, nature was ringing and Nolan was answering."

"I'll tell the rest, thank you Nathan. So I wandered down some hallways. Trying to find my own bedroom, another bedroom, something."

"Yeah, but what he didn't know was that there's cameras down every hallway that you can look at up in the helm. At first I was trying to see how to get to the head, for when I needed to go. But the more hallways he turned down, and the more doors he came out of looking mad or worried, the funnier it got. I was stalking his trip to the bathroom!"

"So I finally found one. But then I had to find my way back. I tried retracing my steps,"

"After about five minutes of looking he gave up and sat down on the floor. At that point I was laughing so hard, I couldn't see. The smooth, sophisticated Nolan curled up like a baby! But eventually I fished out the owner's manual found a map and lead him back up to the helm. I also copied and printed one out for you."

He handed me a layout of the ship. It had important things labeled: helm, my quarters, Nolan's, Nathan's, game rooms, restaurant, escape pods. The whole thing actually looked like a bunch of city blocks inside of a dumbbell, with the helm and engine & propulsion room being the two ends.

"Well thanks. But I'm still pissed about you capturing me. And what's with the cell? Was that really necessary?"

"Considering the serious hissy fit you threw, yes. It was necessary. But your new bedroom/ bathroom is right down this hallway. If Nathan will move, you could actually get to it."

"Welcome to your home for the next 122 days!" Nathan said.

The door slid open, revealing my personal heaven!

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