Taken- Chapter 5

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Hi! :)

So here it is.Its been amonth, more or less, no? No votes limit this time (total disaster) but it would be AWESOME if you could vote, comment, fan, add to your library or your iTouch or iPhone or whatever mobile device you carry, add me to your library... yeah. Or, you could tell me to shut the hell up, stop writing this crap

and get a life. Just gimme something, people!

Lots of Love,


p.s. If you fan me I'll fan you :) Just a way of saying thanks!

p.p.s. The picture is of Nathan. He looks quite model-ish, but I did search "Abercrombie Model" to find hot guys... :)I was going to post a pic of Aimée, but it's proving to be hard to find. Oh, I'm talking toomuch.


We sat down in a very modern little place in a booth in the corner. The table illuminated and I chose what to eat by tapping it. Once we had both decided what we wanted, it went black, except for a timer that had an "ETA" for our food. Very slick.

"So what is Mandacarion like? I mean, is it green or dead?"

"Well, it used to be very green, and I guess a lot like the Everglades on Earth. Except drier. But we went through what we call the Ruin Decades. Chemicals from factories and labs weren't taken care of properly, because we didn't know how, and destroyed a lot of our ozone layer and plant life. So right now, from about 10 years ago to now, we're restructuring our plant population. Long story short, 20% green, 30% dead, 50% ocean."

"Wow," I was blown away. I heard all the talk about how we were ruining our ecosystem, but I never thought about the after. They were living it, cleaning up after mistakes that weren't their own.

"Ok, this is kind of a weird question, but as a whole, is your race the responsible type?"

"Well, actually I've never thought about it. I guess so. But it's my turn to ask you something."

"I thought you two knew everything about me because, you know, you stalked me and all."

"Nope. So here's my question: is cheesecake a cake or a pie?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A question that's needs answering. So answer it!"

"A cake, I guess."

"Wrong! It's a pie. It has a crust and filling."

"Yeah, but it has 'cake' in its name."

"So? That doesn't mean anything. You can't judge a book by its cover, didn't those anti-bullying videos you watched in elementary school mean anything to you?"

"You're an idiot. Pick a different question."

"I don't have any more questions."

"I repeat my previous statement: you are an idiot."

Right after I said that, our food arrived at our table, by itself. It just flew in front of us. But my tortilla soup didn't slosh on my dress so I guess it worked. It was good, too. After another half hour of 20 questions, I called it quits and went back to my room to read. 3 chapters of Pride and Prejudice, I was sleeping like a log in the chair.

Gunshots. I was standing in what used to be a city, hollowed out by poverty and war. Although standing might not have been the right word. I was crouching behind the remains of a wall, staring through a tiny hole at the combat taking place in front of me. Suddenly aware of people around me, also staring through a wall. One of them shouted a command and we all burst out from our hiding place, shooting guns I didn't know we had. It would've been cool, except for the feeling in the pit of my stomach that some of these people I was with wouldn't make it alive, seeing the chaos going on. One man pointed a gun at me and pulled the trigger. The last thing I heard was an explosion.

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