Chapter 16

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Hey party people! In case you forgot, I do still exist... lol :) But seriously, I know I haven't updated in forever. I own up to it. However, I do have a life. ;D So, without further ado, here comes chapter 16! Wheeeee! Wow that was dumb... ANYWAYS....


For the rest of breakfast, we sat in silence so thick you would have to slice it with a butter-knife. but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I needed time to decompress; all the information they had been withholding was essentially dumped all at once on me. I was in my first AP class all over again.

I sat there quietly munching on a pancake and drinking milk, thinking about the vendetta held against me. It just wasn't possible for me to be the once the supposed prophecy was about, I was a pansy. I couldn't even kill the spiders that wandered into my bathroom, let alone millions of innocent people. There must be a mistake-

"Ya know, I've been thinking about those two we have in the cells," Nolan started. "They have to be part of this whole mess about you, Aimée."

"Well, but, that means someone knew we would be coming," Nathan interjected.

"Yes, and that makes this a lot more serious than I originally thought. Sor far as I knew, only a small group of people knew that we were actually on this ship. Obviously someone's leaking information out, or trying to kill us themselves, but the question is who," Nolan said.

"I think we should try a few tests on our friends back there to rule out possible sources. Blood sample, brain scan, MRI, maybe even do a stomach pump on them, just to be safe," added Nathan. "A few of the toxicologists at the national hospitals have gone rogue recently, and quite a few of them specialized in certain neurotoxins that could make it relatively easy for them to mess with the guys' brains."

"Nathan's assisting an anesthesiologist for med school," Nolan explained to me. Then he addressed Nathan. "The blood samples and brain scans could also tell us if there's any nano-tech floating in their blood or attached to their brain stem-"

"Hold on!" I said. "You're talking so fast and furiously that I'm only getting half of it!"

They both shut their mouths and stared at me expectantly.

"Now. Let me get this straight. You are going to run tests on the two guys in the cells," I said to Nathan, "And you are going to..."

"I'm going to take the test results Nathan gets to see if there are any nanos controlling them."

"Okay. So what do I have to do?"

"Well, I guess you could read about some Mandacarion history. Just so that you know vaguely what you're getting in to." Nathan offered.

"What about culture now?" I asked.

"Most of people you'll have to interact with will know you've been living on Earth for the past 14 years. It shouldn't be that big of a problem in the first place, and I'm sure you'll pick it up soon enough anyways."

"Alright. So you go do your tests, you go do whatever it is you do when you're holed up in your room anyways, and I'll try to find a history book and start reading. That is, after we finish eating."


Ya, I know it's really short. Don't kill me, please. e.e I just wanted something to post because I haven't in, like, a month. But anyways, If you liked it (or any of the other chapters, for that matter) please hover your little hand over that marvelous orange button that reads 'vote', and left-click. It's like a virtual hug! Oh, and Twitter is in the external link on my profile. Go. Follow. I'll follow you back (just so long as you're not a bi-sexual porn star or spammer). Bye!

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