Taken- Chapter 2

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Woot! New chapter :) 


I awoke in what was essentially a cell. It was nicer; pillow, sheets, separate bathroom, but I couldn't just get up and leave. Remembering why is was there, I ejected a stream of profanities, including, "You ------- kidnapping -------, I want some ------- explanations, pronto!" but no answer. I banged on the bars a little, (which were 2.35 cm in diameter and 6 inches apart) but it only served to make my hands hurt. Sitting down was my next brilliant plan, so I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for something to happen.


I felt really bad about what I had to do. No one wants to be kidnapped, even if it's for a pretty damn good reason. They wouldn't let me see her, which totally sucked eggs. Supposedly she had to calm down. Whatever. You know, being the governor's official slave, as I call it, is all work, no glory. I got to go out, capture random girls he thinks might be the one, take them to him, he decided whether or not they are really the girl he's looking for, take them back, erase their memory, rinse, repeat. And never once has he said "Oh, Nolan, I appreciate your dedication, have some cake!". No appreciation. The whole business gets dull, and a little depressing, after a few times also. But after all those girls, this Aimée chick, she just seemed different.  


Footsteps. I stood up to lean against the rail of my bed, and smoothed my clothes over to give the appearance of being suave and expecting whoever it was. There was a jingle, then clank on the bars, and the whole thing slid to one side admitting two people. One, the last person I'd seen since I left Goodwill, a.k.a. the idiot who kidnapped me and the other, a tall blonde guy wearing all navy, except for the same color blue undershirt that Nolan had on. 

"About time! Where the heck am I, and what's going on?" 

"I told you..." the blonde guy muttered. 

"Shut it, Nathan! Hello Aimée, you're obviously awake." 

"Well I was kind of hoping it was all a dream, but I guess not, Nolan." I spat. 

"Mmm, feisty one you've got this time dude." 

"Nathan, go away." 

"Wait, what does he mean 'this time'? Are you some kind of serial snatcher or pimp or something? Not cool." 

"Will everyone just shut up?! Aimée, Nathan, can it! I'm trying to explain why you're here, but you two constantly blabbering is driving me crazy!" 

We both shut our mouths and silently asked each other if dudes could get PMS. 

"Anyways, Aimée, you might have noticed that you have a way of just knowing mathematics and sciences. And physical activity isn't your forte. That is exactly why you're here, because you're not human. Which also explains you being adopted. We, and you, are from Madacarion. Exactly 2.537 light-years from Earth, in case you wanted to know. Our race is much like a highly advanced version of humans, with increased brain matter and less of a need for muscles, because we no longer have need for physical activity. Well, besides walking around and performing maintenance." 

"Wait, Nathan said 'this time'. Are there others like me?" 

"No. We only knew of one, but only that they were a 15-year-old girl right now. So, we hacked into computer databases to find records of 9th grade girls with excellent math and science grades, but poor athletic grades. Which narrowed it down to about 450 in the 200 mile radius we tracked the pod to." 

"Pod? " 

"Yes. From what intelligence gathered, a pod was launched from a station orbiting our planet almost 15 years ago, with an approximate heading towards Earth. It was tracked, to some extent, and was projected to land around Fort Worth in Texas. So we've been, um, picking up girls, testing them, and erasing their memory and putting them back so far, until we picked up you, and knew right away we could stop looking." 

"Why go through all this trouble for me, Nolan? I'm pretty average, excluding the whole super-nerd thing. Or are jocks here nerds there?" 

"Well first, Aimée, I'm not allowed to tell you why. And second, we don't nerd-jock stereotype. It's more nerd-moron." 

"Weird. One more thing; if you are taking me back to whatever it was called, how long will it take? Are there others on board?"  

That time Nathan answered. 

"Yeah, you're going back to Mandacarion, and it will take about 4 months. Only us three are on board, and a few maintenance robots." 

"Four months? That's forever! Whoa," I just remembered something vitally important. 

"What about my parents? My adoptive ones?" 

"Err, their memories have been tampered with, and school records have been removed. Even if someone does start up a search party, it's not like you'll be found, and to be honest, you will have been forgotten. I'm sorry." 

Completely depressed from that first comment, I slumped back down on the cot, shoulders drooping like the plant I forgot to water for a month. 

"But we've tailored a room to your personal likes and dislikes, that you will stay on for the next 122 days and 6 hours. Would you like to come see it?" 

I nodded my head at Nolan and walked behind him down a hallway faintly reminding me of something out of Star Trek. 

"You might wanna pay attention, it's easy to get confused because all the corridors look the same. Nolan here can attest to that," Nathan said mischieviously. 

"Oh really?"

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