Taken- You've been punked!

395 8 1

Hahaha ;)

April Fools!!!!!

No one is dead, or even thinking slightly homicidal thoughts! :D lol

Vote for that chapter if a) you were totally fooled ;) b) you thought "this is a prank" or c) because you love my writing!! :)

So, to clarify, the first two POV's were part of the actual story, but Nolan's wasn't. But don't worry, he'll have a part in an upcoming chapter!!

Oh, that reminds me. If I can get some more votes I will be eternally grateful and in your debt forever and ever. It's just because I really don't have that many reads or votes or anything and I started this in October. Yeah, I've been at this a while. And for those who have voted in the past, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!!!!! I love you, man! Peace!!


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