Taken- Chapter 4

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Hi everyone!! I hope I described the room (as I see it,) ok, but if it doesn't quite make sense, plz comment. So thanks for reading, and I hope you had, or will have, or are having, a super flipping fantastic awesome day!!!



"Holy shit! This is legit!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was my dream room. The floors were wide planks of maple, connecting to royal purple walls, with one wall a floor-to-ceiling stacked stone water fountain. Modern white leather chairs sat facing the awesome wall, and in front of them, a glass encased fire place that jutted out a little so the water trickled around and down it. On the wall to the left were two large windows, with a Japanese style full bed between them covered by an earthy-toned comforter. Farther to the left down that wall was a small kitchen with an island and barstools, and of course the regular kitchen appliances. The wall that held the door was a collection of 10-ft bookcases with a rolling ladder. It also had a white marble topped desk with maple legs and a reading chair and lamp. A big purple shaggy rug laid beneath the table and chair.

"So, I guess you like it then?" Nolan asked, stupidly in my opinion.

"I love it! Ya'll are the best kidnappers ever!"

"Aw, thanks. I'm blushing, you know." Nathan said sarcastically. He gave Nolan a knowing look, which made him cough and say,

"We, um, got you a journal Aimée. Nathan said you liked to write a lot."

"Kinda creepy, but at the moment, I'm just exhilarated. This is awesome! You guys have to leave now so I can fully appreciate it."

"Actually, we need to point some features out to you."

"Fine. I hope this won't take too long."

Nolan led us to the waterfall/fire wall. He picked up a remote and handed it to me.

"This controls the entire wall. Adjusts the rate of water flow, fire intensity and, get this, the fire place turns into a TV. Just press this button,"

The fire put itself out and Gilmore Girls flickered on.

"The TV downloaded entire runnings of shows that are popular and would seem to fit with your personality, as described by me. If you want another series, you'll have to select it within the next hour because the signal is getting weaker. And, unfortunately you'll never know whether Penny ends up with Leonard (A/N: Big Bang Theory. Best. Series. Ever.). But onto the next part of the room!"

"This is my favorite part." Nathan said, winking. Nolan hit him upside the head and walked over to the bed. He showed me the reading light and what to do when I wanted to wash my sheets. The kitchen and library were plenty self-explanatory. A door in the kitchen led to a bathroom and a kick-butt walk-in closet. The clothes were all the same, but Nathan said that they changed shape and color depending upon my mood and body temperature.

"Oh, and one more thing Aimée. There's an intercom panel by the door if you need something, or get bored. Our rooms are to the left and right, mine being on the left." Interjected Nathan.

"Ok guys. Now please leave me alone."

"Also, we're having dinner at 7:45 in "Cosmos", the restaurant with the gayest name ever. Check the map. It's on the TV, which also acts as a computer. Forgot to tell you that. That's it, bye! Come on, Nathan..."

Hang on, I left, well was tricked into leaving, the Goodwill around 8:45. Good God, I've been out for almost a day! I have some serious writing to do. And I need some way to be pissed off but not break anything. Ugh.


The door closed behind me and I slowly walked to my room. Nathan trailed behind me.

"Duuuude! We picked up a hot one! Dibs!"

"Do you not remember who she is? Nimrod. See you at 7:45 too, man."

"You're just jealous that I called dibs. But whatever. Bye." He turned around and walked back towards his room. I continued my long trek to freedom. Being an anti-social person with Nathan and the crazy girl really does do me in. I needed to lie down for the next hour, but I had to think about all the things I needed to do. The ship computer needed its weekly rebooting, the robot in the 4-C Hallway needed to be taken to the maintenance room... I drifted off to sleep.


The clock projected on the display by the door said 8:00. There was no Nolan to be found. Nathan and I stood awkwardly not saying anything. He called me on the intercom earlier saying to dress semi-formally, so I slipped on a dress form. It turned aqua with silver sequins around the low v-neck top and came down to my knees. Apparently they didn't wear shoes, because there weren't any in the closet.

"I think we should go in his room and see what's taking him so long."

"Wouldn't that be kinda weird? Walking into someone else's room?"

"Naw, I do it all the time. Don't you ever pull pranks on people, or spy?"

I figured that was a rhetorical question.

"Ok, fine, but I'm waiting at the door."

We took off towards the directions of his room. I studied that map, and still didn't know how to get around.

"Does he do this often?"

"No, that's why it's weird. He's usually there on time or a couple minutes late. Probably just forgot or isn't near a clock."

"Ok so you'll go in there and just figure out what's taking so long, and I'll wait out here. On the watch for evil dust bunnies."

"Good to know, smart ass."

He pressed a button on the door and it slid open with a soft "whoosh". The room was decorated very Spartan-like; only the basics. Except, an expansive library covered a whole wall. I quickly turned around and faced the wall opposite the door in the hallway. I felt like I was spying, of some sort. Nathan peeked his around the door frame.

"He's asleep! What a retard!"

"Well, now what? Are you going to wake him up or let him sleep there?"

"Like I said, he doesn't really ever do this. I'm just going to leave him and make this a dinner party of two. I mean, if that's ok with you, sweet cheeks."

"Only if you promise to never call me that again."

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