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Second encounter

Sam Wilson
- After the day he asked for your help you hadn't really seen him around much, it didn't bother you, in fact you were happy you could even help him once. Even if it wasn't for long, although you had to admit, you missed working with him. He was a fun person to work with and had great perspective on new ideas. One day you finished a new prototype and decided to go down to the garage and test it out. Once you got down there you set the machine down, putting on something more suitable for testing over your current clothes. Behind you a voice rang, it almost sounded impressed.
"Is this a new drone design?" You immediately whipped around zipping up the jumpsuit a small blush tinted your face.
"Oh, hey, yea. I think it's gonna be the fastest one I've made," you gazed around the man standing before you.
"I'm sorry are you guys working in here? I'll leave." He shook his head
"No, you're fine. I mean this is your garage after all. I actually could use your help on something." Sam looked away almost embarrassed that he was having trouble with something. You politely smiled and motioned for him to lead you to what he needed help with. He lead you to a extremely damaged drone sitting on a table.
"Oh no, Redwing. What happened?" You lightly touched the drone glancing back at him. He simpled shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets, not in the mood to explain.
"Well it's not the same but, this drone will do the same things Redwing did. I can adjust it to fit into your pack and wire it so it listens to voice commands." You stated hoping that might help at least a little bit. Surprisingly he smiled at your response nodding.
"Yea, if you dont mind, I'd really appreciate that."
"You'll have to bring your gear in and I'll need a list of things you want added if you don't want to stay for the process." You smiled up at him excitement lighting up in your eyes, he matched your smile.
"I think I'd like to stay for the process. Can you start tomorrow?" You nodded looking down at your drone.
"Then it's date." You said cheerily.

Bucky Barnes
- It was a lovely day, your bruised face had healed up nicely, you signed yourself into the therapy office and took your seat. Turning you realized you were sitting next to a familiar face.
"Well if it isn't Mr. Barnes." You smirked with a slight chuckle. The man turned with an odd expression.
"How do you know my name? Are you stalking me?" He questioned looking down at you, almost wincing at the cuts and slight bruises that remained on your face.
"Definetly not, if I were to stalk anyone it would not be you, you seen boring. I heard the therapist call your name last time we were here. Well your last name but still works." You stated cooly looking up at him. He gained a puzzled yet intrigued expression.
"Boring huh? Alright, my names Bucky, by the way. So you can stop calling me Mr. Barnes." He shifted a hand out towards you and you took it shaking hands with the man.
"Whatever you say Barnes. I'm Y/N." You stated with a grin before removing your hand from his. Silence sat with the two of you for a second before you spoke up.
"You got any plans after this?" You questioned looking up at him.
"Why, you wanna stalk me some more?" He smirked causing you to scoff.
"Pfft, no. Whatever forget it." You looked away with a scowl.
"Im gonna go get coffee at the Cafe across the street." He smiled as his name was called to go back.
"See you there." He stated walking into the therapist back office.

Baron Zemo
- It had continued to rain throughout the day and into the next. All you could think about that night was the random note left by a stranger in the pocket of said strangers coat. It was odd, like he knew he would leave it with you, how could he have you were strangers barely even knew eachothers names. None the less you were curious, so you called your friend told them where you were going and left the location of your phone on. Nervously you made your way to the location that the coordinates pointed to, there was an empty field, it was peaceful not yet disturbed by humanity. Although in the weather it was very muddy, there in the middle of the field was the man you met the night before, Zemo. Taking his coat in your hand you walked out in the field you boots instantly becoming muddy. When he noticed you coming he smiled and seemed somewhat surprised.
"You came, I wasn't expecting that." He stated with a sly smirk.
"Well, I needed to return your coat, I assume why that note was in the pocket, so I could return it?" He shook his head
"This isn't about the coat, this I'd about you, Ms. L/N. I believe you have some information I need." A confused expression washed over you face, you weren't entirely sure what he was talking about. He sighed a shoved his hands in his pockets stepping towards you.
"Im going to assume that face means you don't know what im talking about. If you don't tell me, I'll be forced to take you with me." This made you step back almost falling at the slickness of the ground beneath you. He once again stepped forward reaching his hand out to you.
"Im sorry, uh, Zemo. I dont know what you're talking about but I assure you, you will not be taking me anywhere."
"All I ask if that you help me," he paused "Agent." You face went pale at those words, how did he know, that wasn't you anymore, this couldn't be how you jumped back in. If he knew that there was no doubt he would know other things. You agreed to go with him, and help with whatever it was he needed. He was happy you agreed and then you were off.

A/N: Sorry the first chapter was a little iffy, and this one isn't the best either but I'm hoping I'll improve while writing, so enjoy! Thank you.

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