Preference|| 001

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How you met

Sam Wilson
- You actually work as a mechanical engineer in the Air Force, mostly the the math side of it but you would occasionally get your hands dirty with the actual planes. Most people hated your performance level, you worked so fast you popped out a new edition to the planes around every month and most of the time tested it yourself. One day you were called down to the garage for a very important meeting. You swiftly made your way down the only to be met by a familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar face. He met your gaze before walking up and sticking a hand in front of him, you shoved yours forward to meet his as he began speaking.
"Its nice to meet you I'm Sam, you must be Y/N am I right?" You gained a somewhat confused look while nodding and squinting at him before realization hit. You slipped your hand from his in awe.
"Youre The Falcon, aren't you?" He nodded looking away almost flustered.
"Im such a big fan, I mean your wings are a work of genius do you rewire them yourself if they break while fighting, and that drone that comes out of your back did you have to wire it so it could meet verbal commands." A smile washed over his face as you continued on asking various questions about his tech.
"Woah woah, hold on your telling me, you're a fan of me? I'm a fan of you, your work with the air force is amazing, that's actually why I came here. I think there's something that you can help me with, if you're interested."
"Of course, when do I start?"

Bucky Barnes
- You met in therapy, which probably should have been the first red flag for both of you. Of course, both court mandated therapy too, none the less it was a simple Tuesday. You stumbled your way into the therapy office hood over your head to, well hide you beaten and bruised face. Sighing you took a seat next to a rather perturbed looking guy, leather gloves covering both of his hands which was odd seeing as how it was the middle of summer. Being the outspoken person you were, you pointed this out.
"Why do you have gloves on? It's the middle of June." The way you said it almost sounded angry, like it personally offended you that he was wearing gloves. He scoffed at your question turning his attention to you.
"Why are you wearing a hood? It's the middle of June." He stated as he turned away from him hiding your face.
"None of your damn business."
"My sentiments exactly." You both scoffed at eachother, before you decided to speak up again.
"Did you get into a fight or something?" You questioned as he sighed
"What no, I didn't get into a fight. Why would I wear gloves because of that?"
"So that your brusied knuckles don't show, duh." He tilted his head
"Did you get into a fight?" He questioned with a slight smirk
"I might have." He let out a small chuckle before slipping his left glove off showing the metal hand underneath it.
"Oh," regret filled your voice "I'm sorry I didn't,"
"Hey don't worry, it's fine, I get it weird to wear leather gloves in the summer."
"Mr. Barnes we're ready for you." A voice rang from the back causing you to shift your head away from it. When you looked back he was gone, you could only assume he was the Mr. Barnes she was talking about, somehow that name was familiar but it soon slipped your mind when you were called to go back.

Baron Zemo
- It was a fairly stormy day, you were just broken up with and of course it started to pour as you made your way to the pub. Although he had the decency to not break up with you over text, he was not decent enough to not break up with you on your 4 year anniversary. You made your way into the pub soaking wet as tears slowly fell down your face, making you way to a stool by a bar you plopped in a seat and ordered a shot. A man sitting next to you notice your shivering and slipped his jacket off.
"You seem cold, do you want my jacket?" He asked a slight accent slipped into his voice. You silently shook your head causing him to nod and slip it back on.
"May I ask, what's wrong?" He questioned tilting his head, this question made you burst into tears. He instantly moved away from you get scolded by his friends.
"Zemo, what the hell did you do to her?" One of the men said with a frustrated tone.
"It wasn't him, it's me, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." The man sits back down beside you slipping his jacket off once more.
"Please take it." He said before handing you the long coat once more. This time you took it and pulled it so it rested on your shoulders.
"Now what happened?" You explained what happened and for the remainder of the time he was there he made you feel better. Then him and his buds left and without realizing it you still had his jacket on. Sighing you slipped your arms into the pockets pulling out a note, it read:
Meet me here,
Tomorrow 11am
-Zemo ♡
Attached was a pair of coordinates.

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