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Bucky Barnes: You work at a Cafe that Bucky tends to frequent, but for some reason you recognize him. You realize he's present in one of your old pictures on the wall, and comes to the Cafe so often because it's been standing since 1941.

      It was an early Monday morning and of course like most days you had to be the one to open the small dismal Cafe. So, 7:00am on the busy side of town in a cramped Cafe, and most of the time it was creepy old dudes coming in. Although there was one thing about having the opening shift, there was one man who always caught your eye. His name was Bucky, or at least thats what he told you to write on the cups. He was very handsome and almost seemed familiar. Not the kind of familiar that you knew personally, the kind that you felt when you recognized an actor from a show who also happened to be in a different show. He seemed kind and always tipped, your coworkers would make fun of you for swooning over him, but you knew they did too. What was interesting about him was how he would always look at ease when he came into the Cafe. Even if before he stepped in he looked mad or upset his mood would miraculously change when he stepped into the store.
    This morning he already seemed to be in a good mood and it almost seemed to improve when he saw that you were working the counter. He stepped into the store shyly smiling at you as he stepped up to the counter.
     "You want your usual?" You questioned looking at him for conformation. He looked a bit taken aback almost like a memory had just been brought to the surface. He just stood there for a moment frozen until you spoke.
      "I'm sorry was that weird? It's just that you come on here so much I've memorized your order." You gave him a worried expression which seemed to bring his smile back.
      "No, no, it just, the way you said that, reminded me of someone from my past."
      "Hopefully it was a good memory?" You questioned typing his order into the tablet that replaced your cash register.
       "Yea, it was." He smiled pulling his wallet from his coat pocket.
       "How much?" You looked towards your tablet with sigh deleting his order from the machine.
       "You know what? It's on the house, my treat." He shook his head furrowing his brows.
        "Oh, no. I couldn't do that to my favorite business, really how much?"
         "Like I said on the house. Now go stare off into your world war 2 pictures while I make you chai latte." He smirked walking over to his small table in the corner next to three framed black and white pictures. You began making his drink admiring him as he gazed at the pictures, sometimes it seemed as if he was getting lost in some sort of daydream about that. Maybe he was making stories about the men in those pictures. Quickly you finished up his latte and brought it to his table sitting across from him seeing as how he was the only costumer at the moment. Your eyes scanned the pictures with a small smile until you landed on a familiar face. It was too familiar your eyes shifted to the man sitting in front of you who, by the look on his face, realized what you had realized.
    "Hey Bucky. Is that you?" A smile cracked across your face, that's where you knew him from, it had to be.
    "Well. Do you want the fake answer? Or the actual answer?" He questioned sipping his latte. You face dropped as you realized that actually was him, at first you thought it might have been a joke, a prank played by your coworkers.
       "No way, how is that even possible? Wait, wait. Are you like..? Are you like Captain America?" Bucky sighed nodding and shrugging.
        "I guess I kinda am like Captain America. You know what it's complicated, really complicated actually."
         "I got time." You stated with a shrug looking around at the empty Cafe. The man sighed taking a sip of his drink he began explaining. He explained everything, Hydra, Captain America, the war, the nightmares, everything. By the end of it all you were speechless and honestly felt kind of bad. Without thinking you reached out and grabbed his hand, his left hand which lead him to another explanation.
       "Oh, and I forgot." He pulled his hand from yours removing his glove.
       "My arm is, well it's metal." You sat there astonished, you couldn't help but smile.
        "I think you're the coolest person I've even met, and I've met spiderman." Bucky scoffed
         "Ugh I hate that kid."
         "You know spiderman?! Yep definitely the coolest person I've ever met." He smiled at that reaching out for your hand to go back into his, you moved your hand into his feeling the metal that made it up with a smile.
         "Is that why you come in here so much? Because it reminds you of back then?" He nodded squeezing your hand gently.
         "Yea, and I mean to see you of course. You know I could be lying to you."
         "Are you? I mean, I haven't known you for that long but you don't seem like that type of person to lie about that kind stuff, and honeslty I've seen crazier things." He smiled as a costumer came in, you quickly removed your hand from his making your way to the counter.
        "Hi, welcome. What can I get you today?" Bucky smiled at you finishing his coffee and taking one more look before standing from the table. He walked towards the trashcan when you spoke.
       "Excuse me sir, please don't throw that away." You stated politely.
        "Dont throw away that cup." You stated sharply, your eyes shifting down to it. Oddly enough, there was a number written on it, Bucky smiled as he scanned the number with a nod.
       "Right sorry, hey I'll see tomorrow alright?" You nodded
        "See you tomorrow Buck."

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