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Helmut Zemo: You are a long time family friend of the Zemo's and as such once you hear of his escape from prison, you have to be the first to greet him.

    It was a cold day not unlike its weekly counterparts, you sat solemnly in your room. Awaiting, something anything, it had been so boring around your family home. Especially with no family to occupy it, since your families.. untimely demise you had no real fun. Guards watched you twenty-four-seven, and you had absolutely no idea why, you never hired them. You assumed it was something in your parents will or some bs like that.
     "May I leave?"
      "No, the Baron has instructed us to stay here until he arrives." The baron..? Zemo. That son of a bitch. He waltzed in with a smug expression plastered on his stupid face. While you were happy to see him, you were also angry.
       "Aren't you supposed to be locked up somewhere?" He froze his hands falling to his sides.
       "Is that any way to greet an old friend?"
       "We are not friends."
       "Family friends."
        "Neither of us have a family!!" He scrunched his face signaling for the guards to make room.
        "That's a minor issue. It doesn't mean that we can't be friends." He lightly tapped your cheek with another smirk.
         "I will say, you look as beautiful as ever." You turned away from him, not wanting to admit that his comment made you blush.
         "I see you haven't changed much yourself."
          "Do you want me to have?"
           "So you like me the way I am?" He pondered smugly flashing yet another award winning smirk.
           "Don't words into my mouth. How'd you get out anyway?"
            "That my dearest Y/N, is a story for another day. For now, we need to leave." He stated grabbing your hand and ushering you out the door.
            "Leave? Where, why?" He paused from gathering random things in your room.
            "Trust me, grab her let's go." The men complied, one of the easily grabbing you and placing you over their shoulder. There was really no use in fighting it, these men were considerably larger than you, so they could easily keep you in their arms. Arriving outside they were told to put you on the jet where of course Zemo already was. Slowly walking down the aisle he cupped your face placing a soft kiss upon your lips. His frantic persona fading for a moment as the two of you kissed. He pulled away your face still filling out his hands.
      "I miss you, I was sorry to hear about your families passing while I was imprisoned," he paused "I'm even more sorry I was not here to comfort you." You placed a hand on his making sure it stayed on your face.
       "There was nothing you could have done. You're here now, I suppose that's all that matters." Slowly, although you didn't want him to, he removed his hands from your face, going to give directions to the pilot.
        "Zemo." He turned his attention to you.
        "Where are we going?"
         "One of my country homes, to perhaps.. have some fun?" He questioned with a smirk walking back towards you. You shook your head at him causing him to pause.
          "Is that what you think I want? I haven't seen you in how many years, and that what you think I want?"
           "Is it not?" He furrowed his brows at your remark causing you to now pause.
           "I suppose, a little fun wouldn't be too bad."

A/N: I'm sorry I have no idea where I was going with this one

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