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First date

Sam Wilson
- It isn't really a date per say, more like a gathering between like minded people. Although both of you hoped the other thought of it as a date neither of you said anything. You met a local bakery that had a lot of open seating. He ordered a breakfast sandwich and a coffee while you ordered a pastry and a tea. Once you got your orders you took your seats, it was slightly awkward to say the least.
"So, what do you like to do for fun?" He questioned taking a sip of his coffee.
"I don't really do anything for fun, my job doesn't give me a lot of free time so I don't really have hobbies. What about you..?" You asked smiling slightly, he simply shrugged.
"Same here, I don't typically have too much free time."
"Yea our lines of work don't allow that too much... makes it difficult to start," you paused looking up at him "..relationships." He nearly choked on his coffee but managed to contain himself.
"Yea, uh, yep. It does, although I can't say I've really had anyone pursuing me lately." He stated raising an eyebrow towards you, to which you simply retorted a:
"Me neither." The rest of the date went smoothly, you had a good time and he even walked you to your apartment.
"Will I be having someone start to pursue me soon?" You questioned as he walked down your steps. He stopped a wide smile spreading on his face.
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Bucky Barnes
- After your therapy session you met him at the cafe across the street. Nervously you ordered a small coffee took it and found a seat drinking it alone silently. Thats when he walked in and instantly spotted you looking almost surprised. He ordered a coffee and walked up to your table.
"This seat taken."
"No, go ahead." He sat in front of you following your gaze to a table behind him.
"You know, you ask me on this date and then don't even pay attention to me. It kind of hurts." You shifted your gaze to him
"This is not a date." You stated sharply sipping your coffee.
"Oh right, of course, what is it then?" He questioned with a smirk causing you to roll your eyes.
"Its.. I dont know. You came to my table."
"You asked what I was doing after my session and came to the place I said I'd be, but I can always move and go sit at that table." He pointed to the table behind him.
"Whatever be my guest." You sunk in your seat too stubborn to prevent him from going over there.
"Alright you caught me. I dont want to go over there, if this isn't a date whyd you wanna meet up with me?"
"I need friends, and I figured you did too. No offense." You looked towards him a tired expression on your face. He nodded looking slightly offended but also understanding.
"Pretty good assumption yea," he sighed "So why are you in therapy, specifically court mandated." He questioned looking at the cuts on your face.
"Take a guess Barnes, betcha won't get it right." You smirked at him
"And no, it wasn't some bs like aggravated assault." He smiled at that looking you up and down.
"I don't know. Uh, let's go with killing someone." He smirked thinking he couldn't have possibly gotten it right. You smile faded as he said that, you shook your head.
"Uh.. no. Well, it's complicated. Let's just say my old job didn't exactly like how I handled things." You paused quietly sipping your drink "My turn, why are you in therapy?" He winced slightly at that question.
"I think that should be saved for our second date." He smirked getting up from the table.
"What? No fair! I was just about to unlock your tragic backstory." He smiled at you as you said that.
"Guess you'll just have to wait,"
"It better be a good one then." You stated sourly.
"Oh, it will be."

Baron Zemo
- It wasn't a date, by any means more of an interrogation, but it was very nice. You were sat in a chair in a nice room completely free from any restraints. A table sat in front of you and another chair was on the other side of the table. Zemo walked in and an older man walked in after him with a kettle in hand.
"Coffee?" He questioned gesturing to the container if liquid. You nodded simply and a mug was set in front of you as he sat in the seat across from him.
"So, Y/N. As I've previously stated you have information I need." You sighed at his words sipping your coffee.
"Listen, Zemo, is it? Are you sure you're not getting mixed up? Is it information you need or me?" He gave a confused expression "What I mean is, im the weapon. The one everyone's searching for? That's me." His confusion spread more throughout his face.
"But how? You have no special ability about you." You glared at him rolling your eyes.
"I know I'm just that good." He smirked at that sipping his coffee and shaking his head.
"Are you really the weapon?" He furrowed his brows at you as you nodded.
"Yes, weapon X, im specially trained, ever realize that it became out of commission when I left? Or did you just think that was a coincidence?"
"Honeslty I didn't check that far into the file, and I didn't think weapon X would be so.... emotional about a break up."
"I am still human, but he didn't appreciate my homicidal tendencies." Zemo nodded sipping his drink with an exasperated sigh.
"Well, if you're telling the truth, then I'm going to need to keep you for a while. I have some business I need taken care of." You glanced up at him a small smile appearing on your face.
"You definetly got the right person."

A/N: I'm not entirely sure why I'm doing such an intricate story for Zemo, and I can always not do that if it is desirable. If you do not like it and want it to be changed let me know.

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