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You have a nightmare

Sam Wilson
- It was a pretty rainy evening, the rain always helped sleep, but tonight it was different. Nightmares kept flooding your mind everytime you even remotely dazed off. Since you lived alone it was even worse, not a person nor pet to comfort you. So, you decided to call the only person that might help, which of course was your new found friend Sam Wilson.
"Hello?" Said a groggy Sam on the other line.
"I'm sorry, I woke you up didn't I?" His voice changed when he heard who was on the other line.
"No-! No I was wide awake, the storm and all." You felt terrible for waking him, god why would you do such a thing? Wake such an important person?
"Sorry, I'm gonna go, I shouldn't have-"
"Hey, what's up? I know you'd only call this late if something was wrong." In truth you hadn't even thought to check the time.
"I keep having these stupid nightmares.."
"Yea? Tell me about em."
"Well, um, mostly they're about you." The two of you continued your conversation for what seemed like hours. Before you knew it, it was morning and you had fallen asleep on a phone call, it was the most relaxing sleep you had in a while. Maybe, all you needed was.. him.

Bucky Barnes
- For the most part, you had gotten used to your nightmares. Your younger siblings used to get them when you were kids, so you learned to tune them out. Unless they got too bad and needed to be comforted after. Tonight however was not a night for his nightmares, but for yours. You had been sleeping pretty peacefully, until you weren't. Sitting upright in bed gasping for air as tears fell down your face like a waterfall. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart and heavy footsteps running down the hall towards you. Bucky appeared next to you stroking your hair and trying to calm your breathing.
"Hey, hey, it was just a dream. Nothing worry, it doesn't mean anything, trust me." He continued to stroke your hair moving it from your face with a soft expression. Once your breathing was back to normal you focused your gaze on him with tear stained eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, you can't help it. I know." He softly pulled you into a hug, it was warm and comforting it didn't even matter that his arm was metal.
"You alright?" He questioned pulling away from the hug and placing a hand on your face softly. You nodded slowly placing your hand on his.
"Will you stay with me?" He nodded crawling into bed, although he felt it uncomfortable he would do it for you. The two of you got comfortable, and slowly but surely you fell asleep. He never left your side, he slept with you until morning, always making sure you were OK.

Helmut Zemo
- It wasn't unusual for you to have nightmare, they happened more often then you preferred to admit. This night in particular was worse than the others. You woke in a cold sweat, shivering severely as you wiped the liquid from your brow. Shoving yourself from your bed you made your way into the living are becoming blinded by the lights that were unexpectedly on. Once your eyes focused you found Zemo standing in front of you.
"Jeesus! You can't just sneak up on someone like that."
"I did not sneak up, I was standing here the whole time." You rolled your tired eyes.
"What are you doing awake?" He questioned gaining a concerned expression.
"I.. I just couldn't sleep." You lied.
"You had a nightmare didn't you?" He furrowed his brow as you gazed back at him.
"I know you're lying."
"Then why'd you ask?" You scowled opening the refrigerator and peering inside.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"The last time I talked about something with you I was forced to become a weapon again. So no Zemo, I don't wanna talk about it." You mocked closing the fridge and glaring at him. He made his way to you, softly wrapping an arm around your waist the other he used to caress your cheek. You couldn't help but blush at this sudden and unusual affection, and while you wanted to reject it you were far too tired to do so.
"Is there anything that I can do to help you?" He questioned looking down at you with a furrowed brow and almost sad expression. You shook your head avoiding eye contact with him. He nodded moving away seemingly regretting the affection.
"Goodnight then."
"Goodnight Zemo."

A/N: I'm going to rewatch the show because it's been a minute, but overall I'm back and ready for action!! Please enjoy, and don't hesitate to give me tips and/or requests.

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