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You get hurt

Sam Wilson
- It was a sunny day, too sunny for your black eye of course. The day before you had gotten into a bit of an altercation with some people who weren't too thrilled about your tech. You tried to avoid any questions by wearing sunglasses, perfect for a sunny day. This was all working fine until Sam decided to stop by to get some things fixed up.
     "Hey, I didn't peg you as the type to wear sunglasses inside." You nervously laughed.
     "Yea, well it's the newest trend!" You were a terrible lier, and it was obvious.
     "Oh really? Mind if I try them on?"
     "I do, actually. Get your own." You played it off with a laugh, which made him sigh and place his hands on his hips.
     "You wanna tell me what happened?" You shook your head
      "No time gotta work."
      "How're you gonna see your work with those on?" He questioned raising an eyebrow towards you.
       "I'll figure it out."
       "Y/N, take them off." Slowly you obliged removing them to reveal you severely bruised and swollen eye. Sam's expression changed from a confused and slightly annoyed one to a concerned and angry one.
       "What the hell happened? Who did this to you?" You shook your head turning it away in embarrassment.
        "Hey," he softly moved your head back towards him "Who did this to you?"
        "Some protesters, they didn't like my new drone technology, so they did this. It's what I get I guess." He gritted his teeth before stomping away.
        "Sam? Hey, where are you going?"
         "To teach them some respect."

Bucky Barnes
- You weren't particularly a stranger to getting hurt, although since moving in with Bucky it became less frequent. Today however, today you appeared in the apartment in much worse shape than ever before. Your hood was up as you quickly made your descent to your room, but not before being caught by Bucky. He stood in front of you stopping you from going farther down the hall.
     "What happened?" He questioned trying not to sound too angry.
      "It wasn't my fault, I swear."
      "Yea? Tell me about then." You paused removing your hood and looking up at him. He winced at your face, cut and bruised. Quickly he grabbed your hands, nothing, they were cutless and bruiseless.
      "One of my old 'employers' decided to pay me a visit. He was pretty upset that I stopped fighting to say the least." You tried cracking a smile, but this just upset him more.
      "Damnit." He pulled you to the bathroom rummaging trough a of your shared first aid supplies. He tended to your cuts and after got you an ice pack for your bruises. The whole time he seemed furious but when he talked to you it was kind and careful. It was obvious he was worried about you, and itching to ask something.
       "Why the hell didn't you fight back?"
        "What?! I'm not supposed to, it's part of my therapist's whole schpeel. Y/N, don't hit people."
        "You can fight back! Listen, if someone hits you don't just lay there and take. Kick. Their. Ass."

Helmut Zemo
- Rarely did you come back from something with even so much as a scratch on you. Although Zemo knew how well you could take care of yourself, he made sure no one even got close enough touch you. So, when you suddenly came home with a bloodied nose and busted lip, it raised a few eyebrows. He was angry, that much was obvious but more than that, you were embarrassed. How could the once strong and powerful Weapon X get hurt like this.
     "Who?" You rolled your eyes at him which only made him angrier.
      "Give me a name Y/N." You'd never seen him so bunched up like this, he was fuming and it was obvious. You softened your expression with him gaining a more confused one.
      "It doesn't, I'm fine. It's a minor injury. I'm alright." He placed his face in his hands slowly sliding them down it.
       "It is not alright. No one gets to treat you like this." He scowled, before shaking his head.
       "Fine, you don't want to tell me. I'll find out for myself, and make sure they pay."
       "Zemo please. Calm down. I'm alright, really." He whipped around to face you, but he couldn't even bare that.
        "Stay here, I'll be back."

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