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Sam Wilson: Sam finds you as a flagsmasher hostage, but as time goes on he realizes you might have been lying the entire time.

      It was dark, that's all you knew, it was so very dark, and loud. The clinking of glass as the truck drove was engraved in your mind as you sat in the back of it. All you could remember was being thrown into the back of this truck by a group of people in masks. Light burned your eyes as the door to the truck slammed open, you hid out of fear. The trembling was what alerted him you heard him find you and how his feet jolted back when he did. He was almost afraid of you until he saw how you were sitting. Slowly he walked towards you which made you back yourself completely against the wall. He cautiously stretched his hand out towards you.
     "Are you with them?" You looked towards him as his voice broke the noises of the truck.
     "With.. who? The people in the masks?" You shuttered at the thought of them, seeing as how your only memory of them is them forcing you into the back of a large truck.
      "I'm gonna take that as a no. I'm Sam, I'm gonna try and help you out of here but you have to trust me." You stretches he hand towards you more signaling for you to take it. Slowly but surely you move your hand closer and slip it into his walking closer to him.
      "Hey Bucky, I've got an actual hostage down here." He says pressing in his earpiece, and waiting a moment for a response.
       "You're gonna have to bring them up here and help us take some of these people out." The voice on the other side rings, Sam sighs wrapping his arms around your waist and boosting up to the top of the fast moving truck. Once up there you see three men who seem to be fighting the masked people. The dark haired one is on the same truck and the other two are fighting on the other side. Sam turns to guard you placing you behind him as mechanical wings sprout from his backpack.
     "Who is that? Why are they up here and why are you guarding them?" Says the blonde man on the other truck as he throws a familiar looking shield towards the masked people.
      "They're one of their hostages, I couldn't just leave them down there to get taken all over again." Sam glanced back at you to make sure you were still before refocusing his attention in the attackers.
      "Well, let's hope they can fight." The blonde stated tossing one of the attackers off of the truck. Fighting continued for a while and Sam made sure you stayed safe behind him the whole time. That is until his partner, Bucky was knocked off of the truck. Since there was a lack of screaming you assumed he got a grip somewhere on the truck and was holding on. That's when Sam turned to you a serious expression fell over his face.
    "When I tell to jump, you do it. Got it?" You nodded fearing having to jump but understanding that you had to. That's when he flew up trying to fight from the air and get eyes on Bucky. Seeing as how you weren't on the best terms with the masked attackers they came for you as soon as he wasn't protecting you. It took every bit of courage in you but you swung out your foot as hard as you could hitting one of them in the stomach and knocking them off of the truck.
     "Would you look at that, they can fight." The blonde man said with a slight smirk as he looked you up and down. As another one of the masked attackers ran towards you, you spotted Sam flying down to help Bucky. You quickly kicked the person as far off of you as possible trying your best to keep the rest from pinning you when you heard it:
     "Jump! Now!" Kicking one last person away from you, you jumped without thinking. You didn't know what would happen, what his plan was, if he was going to catch you, or hit you out of the way or even just completely miss you. Closing your eyes you hoped for the best, hoping that you just might live to see another day. That's the last thing you remember before waking up in a field, you heard bickering beside you as you regained consciousness.
     "Did you have bring then like that?"
      "What was I supposed to do leave them there to get captured again?"
      "No, I mean you could've left them with Captain America." You didn't didn't need to see it, you knew whoever said that pit quotation marks around it. Finally you sat up holding your now bounding head, but at least you were alive. Turning to the bickering couple he sighed wincing as you felt the slightest bit of blood drip down your head.
      "Great! You hurt them, what if they sue?" Bucky questioned sarcastically looking towards Sam, who just rolled his eyes. He got up and walked towards you bending down to get on your level.
      "I highly doubt their first thought after all of that is to sue me Bucky." He gently took your hand removing it from your head as he examined your cut.
       "Doesn't look too bad, sorry about all that. I never caught your name."
        "You never asked." You stated blandly which was a surprise to Sam but did make Bucky chuckle a little.
        "Right well, let's get going before it gets too dark." He stood up holding his hand out towards you, reluctantly you took it standing up slowly. Your legs were weak from everything so it took a minute to fully stand up but you did it none the less.
        "I'm Y/N, by the way." Sam smiled at you as Bucky rolled his eyes and started walking up the hill.
        "Nice to meet you, now you wanna tell me how you ended up with those people..?"

To be continued..?

A/N: I promise my writing style will get better, but for now this is what it's like. My apologies, thank you. Please let me know if you'd like a continuation of this specific Oneshot. - Ramona

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