Dating Helmut Zemo

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What it would be like dating Helmut Zemo

- He's always oddly very polite even when he's getting in trouble

- will always give you his jacket if you're cold

- Subtly let's you know he loves you by giving you gifts

- Isn't always super affectionate but when he is its a lot of affection

- Protects you at all costs because he's not afraid of going back to jail

- Takes you for long drives in his cars

- He tends to stay up late but will lay with you when you're tired

- Threatens to hurt anyone who has wronged you

- Takes you anywhere you want on his plane

- Likes small affectionate things in public such as hand holding

- Doesnt give you much attention in public for fear of people hunting you to get to him

- Loves to bake with you

- There's always Turkish delights within reach

- Makes sure that when he leaves for long periods of time you're always protected

- Does his best to make sure you aren't associated with him in the public eye so you don't go to jail

- Loves to kiss you on the lips and around the jawline

- Doesn't like to keep secrets from you but also doesn't want to burden you with them

- Doesn't expect you to clean him up if he's gotten hurt but does find comfort in it

- Has only told you he loves you a few times, but always makes sure you know it

- Has tried teaching you Russian, so far its been slightly successful

- Calls you pet names in Russian and then has to teach what they mean

- If he thinks someone else is flirting with you he'll do everything in his power to get your attention back on him

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