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Helmut Zemo: You take your dog to a dog park and are having a fun and dandy time, when your dog takes a liking to another, and you take a liking to its owner.

    It was a cheerfully sunny day as you walked your dog, she was a purebred Australian Shepard and was always bustling with energy. Since you lived in a crummy apartment you often found yourself as a dog park for hours at a time. So, like always you walked in closed the gate behind you and let her loose, making your way to a nearby empty bench. Watching as your dog made friends with all of the others at the park, she was like you in the sense. Always good at making friends no matter where you were. Most people however didn't like you or you dog much, too energetic, too happy, too much. This didn't really bother you and it certainly didn't bother your dog, she couldn't care less to be honest. Today the park was kind of dull, not many dogs so Lila, your dog was mostly just chasing squirrels. That is until a new dog you had never seen before, he was a small Miniature Pinscher, as soon he entered the park Lila jumped for joy immediately running to him to play, although he seemed like a proper dog his owner allowed him to play. His owner was quite handsome to say the least, he had light brown hair and wore an odd pairing of a purple turtleneck, and green pants. For some reason he spotted you watching him and decided to come sit by you with a small smile. 

    "I assume that is your dog?" he questioned pointing to Lila before meeting you eyes. 

     "Yea, how'd you guess?" You pondered sarcastically as you were really the only two in the park, your remark made him laugh even if it was the slightest amount. 

      "Lets call it a hunch." He stated with a sly smirk, what a nice smile he had, yet there was something almost evil about it. The two of you watched as your dogs frolicked about in the large open space of the park. Only moments later did your dog snap at his, causing it to yelp in pain the two of you quickly made your way to them. Of course you couldn't stop apologizing over and over again, while your dog wasn't much bigger than his, if she wanted to she could do some damage. 

    "Please do not worry, he's fine she didn't hurt him. Perhaps we should let them play longer?" You shook your head at his question

    "I'm not sure that would be a good idea." How embarrassing, you couldn't believe that had just happened, you couldn't believe he still wanted your dogs to get along. 

   "I assure you, King can take care of himself." Although you weren't entirely convinced you nodded in agreement, a few more minutes couldn't hurt much, right? So, the two of you made your way back to the bench, but not before the man turned to his dog and pointed sternly. 

    "Be nice." He said sharply with a slight scowl, it was like he had forgotten it was your dog who attacked his. 

   "Where are my manners? I'm Y/N." You stuck your hand out for his, he slowly ungloved his hand and placed it in yours. 

    "Helmut Zemo, but please everyone calls me Zemo." You nodded, certainly not a name you had ever heard before, but it was a nice name none-the-less. 

    "So, Zemo, how long have you had King?" He thought for a moment perhaps doing the math in his head. 

   "Around three years I'd say, how long have you had..?"

   "Lila, about the same amount of time. I found her on the street when she was a puppy and I've had her ever since. Although she doesn't allow me much of a social life." He tilted his head similar to the way your dog would when something confused her. 

  "She's pretty particular about the people she likes, that's why I was so worried when she nipped King, I didn't want her to hurt him." Zemo shrugged with a small smirk

  "King is very resilient, but he is also an instigator hopefully her nipping him will make him stop." The two of you chuckled at his remark before the two dogs approached both panting from playing too hard with each other. Almost cautiously Lila walked up to Zemo, and once she got close enough to smell him her tail began to wag. You needless to say were astonished, she had never acted like this with anyone, by the time she smelled a person she'd growl and back a way.

   "Perhaps we should set up a playdate for another day?" Zemo questioned petting your dog with an almost sly smile, you nodded still amazed. 

   "I think that sounds like a good idea."

   "Then its a date." 

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