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Helmut Zemo: Your an old friend of Zemo and when you hear he's made his way out of prison you have to see it for yourself. You end up accidently rekindling a relationship from the past.

           Your phone rang loudly through your head as it vibrated on your nightstand sending you into a frantic awakening. Sluggishly you picked it up looking at the unfamiliar number. It wasn't unusual for a random number to call you in the middle of the night seeing as how your job was pretty sketchy. Sighing you reluctantly answered knowing that if you didn't and it was important it could mean you life.
     "Hello?" You questioned grogily the hoarseness in your voice signaling that you had just woken up.
     "Y/N, I have some special new for you." The voice on the other line rang with slight cheer yet mostly malice.
      "Ok, get on with it then."
       "You know your pal Zemo? Well, ive heard word he's out of prison." This woke you up straight away. It wasn't possible and if I was, you did not know how to feel about it, but you decided to play it cool.
       "Yea so what, I've heard that a million times at this point. What makes you think it's true?" You could practically hear the other person smile.
       "Someone spotted him walking into Madripoor tonight." You heart dropped into your stomach fear coursing through your viens.
       "Shit." You muttered hanging up, you knew exactly where he would be heading. So you got dressed as fast as you could grabbing any spare weapon you hand laying around. By the time you got to the location you suspected he would he at, he was already walking out while being shot at. All you heard once the gunshots stopped was a woman yelling.
      "Drop the weapon Zemo!" Said a blonde woman standing not too far from you, it made you chuckle as you watched him set the gun down at the woman's commands. Stepping out of the shadows you made you dramatic entrance.
     "After all this time your taking orders from whoever this is?" You smirked as all eyes shifted to you and most guns as well. The blonde woman from before was suddenly recognizable and once she too recognized you she ordered that weapons were put down.
    "Y/N? What are you doing here?" Sharon questioned with a slight scowl.
     "I heard word that an old friend came into town and I had to see if it was true." You glanced over at Zemo who had the slightest of smiles on his face.
      "Long time no see. How'd you manage to get yourself out of that hellhole?" He smirked signaling back to the men standing behind him.
      "Is that, The Falcon? Wow, heroes will go through anything to get information huh?" You let out a slight chuckle as you felt someone tightly grab you arm. Sharon scowled at you pulling you with her as the three men followed.
      "Jeez ok boss calm down im coming." You scoffed walking next to her as she let go, you soon made it to her warehouse of work letting everyone get settled in. You took your seat across from Zemo scanning him up and down. He took a notice to this and did the same thing.
      "You know, after all this time I would have thought you'd look different." You stated tilting your head at him.
      "My thoughts exactly." He stated back with a small smirk as he sipped his glass of unknown liquid.
      "Was that a compliment or an insult?"
      "I could ask the same question." You rolled your eyes at his remark crossing your arms over you chest. He smirked once more realizing he had won the small argument.
      "You work for her?" He questioned looking towards Sharon.
      "Yea, kind of, I'm more like a hit man for people who don't like to pay."
       "So you do the same thing for her as you did for me?"
       "Yea but more because she doesn't exactly have a super soldier."
       "She does now." He stated pointing to you.
       "Yea but I'm nothing like him." You commented pointing towards Bucky he turned away from you.
       "Grumpy in his old age isn't he?" He smirked at your remark nodding his head in agreement.
       "I think he's regretting breaking me out."
        "Oh it was him, hm, wouldn't expect that, because you know. Trauma." Bucky continued to glare as the two of you made remarks. Sharon sighed at you signaling for you to come speak with her.
        "We've got an exhibit tonight so I need you to patrol around while still fitting in, got it?"
         "So just do what I always do? Yea in pretty sure I can handle that." She rolled her eyes sighing at your ego. Soon it began, it was really less of an exhibit and more of a rave or party. Although it is always more fun that way, while Sharon went around showing off the new art she collected you roamed around. In the crowd of dancers you spotted a familiar face and made your way towards him.
       "You're a terrible dancer Zemo." You yelled over the noise causing him to give a sarcastic hurt look.
        "I wouldn't be if you would show me how."
        "Was that a request?"
         "More of a polite demand." You shook your head.
         "Well, bad news for you, I can't dance either."
          "Then we can learn together."
          "Just like the old days?"
           "Just like the old days."

To be continued..?

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