Chapter 16

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"Well, that explains the frozen cup I found! Me and Fitz were so confused over it! It's good to finally know the truth," Simmons patted me on the back.

        "So wait, you're-" Fitz started, still comprehending the news.

        "Yep." I interrupted.

        "So does that mean that you can-"


        He rubbed the back of his neck. "Would you mind if-"

        "No, Fitz!  We are not experimenting on her!" Simmons scolded. He looked away sheepishly.

        "I was only going to ask for a blood sample," He muttered. I allowed a small grin to flit across my face. It was good to be back on Earth, even though the eminent threat of my mere existence remained.

        "Jet will be here in ten," Mack popped his head through the lab's glass door. He glanced at me, and then just gave me a small nod. He knew as well, of course, but him and May had accepted the news calmly, and moved on.

                "Would you like anything to drink?" Simmons asked hesitantly.

        "No, thanks. Actually, I was wondering if you had anything I could use to properly clean off my blades, as well as sharpen them." I unhinged my sheaths and laid the twin daggers on the metal table. 

        "Oh," she said, surprised. "Well-um, I'm sure we do, just let me look-" Flustered, she moved to the cabinets and began muttering something about chemicals and cleaning metal. I noticed Fitz glance at the blades, which were slightly stained, and turn pale, looking away.

        "It's tomato juice and dye, Fitz," I sighed.  It's not.

        " 'Course it is," He breathed, his accent quivering.

        Movement caught the corner of my eye, and I looked over to see Jase motioning to the guns that lined the wall outside the lab. Because this was probably the most dangerous part of the entire underground faculty, they were solely for protection in a raid. Although the case seemed pretty unlikely to happen, S.H.I.E.L.D. took no chances. Coulson obviously explained this to him; the confused look on his face soon disappeared. I had objected vehemently to him coming, and I had never in a million years anticipated Thor allowing it. I didn't need more innocent bystanders, but because Thor was busy defending Earth, waiting for Loki's appearance, he couldn't be here, searching for the portal-or my mother. He insisted that Jase accompany me while I was here with S.H.I.E.L.D. The argument took a total of two minutes, mostly because he was crackling with electricity from the anger radiating around him, and I didn't feel like being fried. I'm not scared of many things; it wouldn't have been my first Lichtenburg scar.

        However, I quickly came to the conclusion that he was not going to take no for an answer, and because of it, we made a mutual agreement; the boy's blood was not on me. At least that's what I told myself. I ran the blades through the clear substance that Simmons provided, and was relieved to see that the stains came off. After I was done, I sharpened them thoroughly. I studied the tip and edge of the second blade, and ran my thumb along it lightly. Almost immediately a thin red stripe appeared. I wiped the blood off and slid the daggers securely back into their sheaths, and strapped them on, one to my upper thigh, the other to my opposite lower calve, hidden under my boots. I opened the door to hear Coulson calling, "The jet's here!" And grabbed my bag from the floor. I quickly relayed the message and donned the hoodie that he tossed to me.

        "You want a scarf?" He asked, grinning. I just sighed and looked away. Unfortunately, I looked right at Jase. He look ridiculous, trying to figure out how to get the hoodie over his broad shoulders. I shook my head and headed up the ladder. The wind wasn't nearly as harsh now that I knew how to control it. Just then, I stilled as something flew at me from my left. I caught the short blade with one hands, examining the hilt and knife.

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