Chapter 26

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"There's a barber, a clothes shop, weapons mod..." I tuned out Coulson's voice as I stepped from the street cart. The native bazaar was buzzing with all sorts of tourist traps, but I saw the things the others probably look over. The boys rushing past with news of recent drug bust, the way the man at the hat shop was armed with fifteen different blades, the woman at the corner selling so called "Native Indian Artifacts!" even though she was too obviously Guatemalan. The girls at the paint shop called out to me and May, beckoning us closer. Simmons eyes widened at the array of colors surrounding her, and Fitz looked on open-mouthed. Even Nico looked somewhat impressed.

        "Never visited India before," He commented. Jase smirked. Coulson called our attention back to him.

        "You have two hours. Only get what you need-"

        "But-" Simmons and Fitz objected.

        "-and maybe a few extra things." Coulson finished, looking at them with a slight grin. "Just don't blow S.H.I.E.L.D.'s bank account."

        "Let's go," Mack pushed past us, disappearing into the crowd. I looked back at Coulson.

        "Thank you," I told him. He nodded. I turned and moved easily through the crowd; I only needed a few things. After gathering some necessities, I stopped by the barber shop. Jase was just getting finished. He paid the man the fortune he was advertising for the hair cut, and walked over to me.

        "You don't need a haircut. Why are you here?" He questioned curiously. I nodded to the man at the counter, who acknowledged me with a smile, and a gesture to wait just one minute. 

        "Kayla," Jase's voice pulled my attention back to him. Suddenly, someone else's voice spoke behind him. We both turned to see Nico shaking his head. 

        "Just a little bit." He showed the barber what he wanted cut in the front. Honestly, I was surprised to see him here, and even more caught off guard by his appearance with his hair down. He had seemed stuck on having the long hair. He even tied it in a pony-tail when we trained. The barber made a look of disgust, but did as he was told quickly and easily, skilled with years of experience.  Nico paid and saw us, and blinked when he saw my expression.

        "What?" He asked defensively. I just shook my head. If I had a type.... Jase turned back to me.

        "Your hair looks good long," Was all he said before he walked out. Nico watched him go, his eyes narrow. I raised an eyebrow.

        "Miss! I'm ready for you now!" The Indian man called to me. Nico moved to head out, and as he brushed past me, he muttered, "Your hair is pretty, but do what you want." I tilted my head to the side, bemused over the fact that both males had been willing to admit that. Then I walked over to the barber, who greeted me with a heavy accent. I told him what I wanted in his native language, and his eyes lit up. I gave him a small smile, and then told him to make it quick. I had other places that I needed to go. He tugged the band from my hair, and to my surprise, after properly brushed out, I found that my hair reached my waist.

        "Are you sure?" He asked me. He motioned to my hair. "This is beautiful hair."

        "I'm sure," I replied. He shook his head disdainfully, but picked up the scissors and began to cut.


        "Oooh, Kayla! You have to try this!" Simmons pushed the rice bowl towards me. 

        "It's delicious!" Fitz said, stuffing his mouth. I snorted, thanked Simmons, but refused.

        "I already ate," I replied.

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