Chapter 32

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+A Slight Change In POV-Not Permanent+

"I'm not sorry." Nico watched for the seventh time as the girl on the screen turned towards the camera, mouthing the words. He slammed his fist down on the table in frustration.

"The jet is flying at full speed," The man named Mack sat down opposite him, "That's all we can do until then." Nico glared at him. He knew fully well that they were headed to the portal as fast as they could-he could feel the hum of the engines underneath him, open full throttle. That didn't put Kayla in any less danger.

"Where is my daughter?!" Loki burst into existence, teleporting into the room in a ball of green energy.

"Where have you been?" Thor thundered. He had been across the room, leaning against the wall; now he crossed the floor.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Loki sneered. He glared at them all until his gaze fell on Nico.

"What are you watching?" Wordlessly, Nico shoved the holographic image at the man, and hit play. Emotions flashed across Loki's face as he took in the scene playing out before him.

"She is your daughter, brother, and she has set out to die!" Thor emphasized his words by slamming his weapon of choice onto the very table Nico was sitting at.

"I had no idea," Loki breathed. "I-" A ball of energy surrounded him, then flickered out.

"I can't get to her," Loki looked up, and Nico saw fear in his eyes. Nico stood, shoving the hologram away and walked towards his room. Slamming the door shut, his chest heaved as he laid down in the bed. He didn't care about Kayla's past. He didn't care about what she had done; he had since been there beside her. But this was torture, knowing that she had headed off to who-knew-where to turn herself over to- He trembled in rage. When this was over, he was going to kill her if she wasn't dead already.

Nico sat up in bed and took out his sword, and began to sharpen it. Whatever was on the other side of that portal wouldn't be an easy fix. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were powerful, and Thor and Jase would be extremely helpful. Nico had felt Loki's rage, however, sensed it when the feed from the security cameras had ended. His hand shook slightly when he thought of it. It was beyond powerful-there was something even deeper embedded within it. If he ever had to cross the man, he knew he wouldn't live. Yet another reason to keep his feelings to himself.

It was one thing to be an enemy of Loki himself, Nico knew.

It was another to be in love with the Jotun's Daughter.


I walked through the portal surrounded by an air of false confidence. I knew what needed to be done, and I was willing to do it. The sudden change in events left me grasping at threads, unable to plan out future steps to ensure that I would make it out alive, but no matter. I would get out.

Some way or another.

An army of Chitari stood on the other end of the portal. They escorted me around the crater and to the other side, the metal arms firmly clamped onto my forearms. I took a deep breath. Stay calm, Kayla. You know what needs to be done. Finish it. The ugly beast from the holograms appeared from a portal in front of me. I felt the sucking turmoil of the black hole behind him; my hair blew towards it, and I planted my feet so I wouldn't fall forward. Behind him, my mother stumbled against her chains. The portal closed with a thwhp! and the air became still and silent.

"What have you done?" Mom looked up at me, her voice horse. I couldn't look her in the eye. I was too afraid that my emotions would show across my face.

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