An Angel POV

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        Nico watched as she walked away, her head held firm, her steps cold, calculated. He hadn't meant to hit her that hard; he hadn't known that she'd been running, but right now, he didn't really care. 

        What had Marty gotten herself into?  He had only known the Scorpion's leader for a six months now, having run into her on a personal quest through the city. He still didn't completely know whether he trusted her or not, but he had no idea what to make of Kayla.


        When he had first seen her, he had done a double take. He had mistaken her for someone else-which was ridiculous, because Percy Jackson was a male. But she had the same thick, black hair, and bright green eyes. Her eyes, however, were like emeralds, not like the sea. If he hadn't seen the faint blue aura around her, he would have though that she was Jackson's sister. 

        It had been three years since the rebuilding of the two camps. Percy had finally gotten the nerve to propose to his girlfriend Annabeth, and then proceeded to drop the ring in the water beneath the docks. He had Nico video tape the whole thing. 

        The wedding was in two days, and Nico needed to get back to the camp, so he shadow-traveled as far as it was safe, and then rested in a hotel. But his mind quickly drifted back to Kayla.


        The one word had stopped him in his tracks. After seeing the lightning from Jace, Nico had assumed that he was a son of Jupiter, or Zeus. It only seemed fitting. But Kayla...he had watched her transform into...something else entirely. It was beautiful-in a completely terrifying way. He saw the red eyes, the blue skin and swirling markings and hadn't been sure what to make of it. A monster had seemed the most fitting description for her, although Jace had immediately corrected him when he had voiced the word. He seemed protective of her, and Nico couldn't help but acknowledge that one look at her made it easy to see why. 

        She had froze the guys hands and legs to the floor. Nico shook his head slightly and turned onto his side in the bed. Norse, he pondered. Annabeth would question them. Percy would joke about his gender-bent twin. But Nico?

        Nico had seen what had happened the last time another group of half-bloods had discovered the other. He had almost died trying to keep them from killing each other, and come dangerously close to become a ghost forever. If he ever told the Romans and Greeks that children of the Norse existed, he didn't know what the outcome would be. He had seen them fight, and without a doubt, they were much more powerful than kids from both sides of the camps. They were dangerous in completely different ways as well-especially Kayla. Every movement she made was carefully considered, and every word she spoke was tasted before it was spit out. Nico had no doubt that she could kill without blinking, if she ever needed to. Yet, she disappeared when she wanted to in much a similar way to he did. She moved from one place to another, and became one person to the next, so easily you would think that she'd been doing it her whole life. Maybe she had.

The complications of more children of gods made him angry. Things were supposed to be better now; peaceful. Sure, the beast would eventually come back, but they wouldn't appear for at least another decade. There was the occasional monster, but they were easily put down. No one else was supposed to appear. No more changes, no more plot twist; this was supposed to be their oasis from all the hell they'd been through. His group of friends didn't need any more chaos in their life. He wouldn't tell them about Kayla, Jace, the Scorpions, or S.H.E.I.L.D., Nico decided.

 Sometimes, oblivion kills you.   

But sometimes, oblivion is bliss.

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