Chapter 30

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"Nico-wait." He stopped. I stood, staring at the golden banner. It must have been cleaned daily; it shimmered.

"I just..."  He waited.

"I'm sorry that it came to this," I said finally, "This is the last thing that I could have imagined happening, and yet here we are. I understand if you'd rather act like we don't know each other, or something along those lines."

"You're nervous?" He asked with a smirk. I shook my head. I had gone undercover much, much deeper than this.

"It's the people here."

"Kayla, are you seriously worried that my friends won't like you?"

"I'm not worried about them liking me." He stared at me.

"So you think you won't like them," He stated flatly.

"I worried that I will," I replied honestly, "This place is... well, you saw my files. From your reaction, I assume we aren't as different as I thought. If this is your version of home, Nico-" I looked up at him, "You're hard to please. You shut yourself in and are far from easy to figure out, but you trust these people enough to call them your friends. I just don't want to accidentally get-"

"Attached?" Nico's brow furrowed as he pointed angrily at the open trail, through the arch, "You're worried about actually, for once in your lifetime, liking the people that are around you?"

"You saw what happens," I replied forcefully, "You've been a victim of it. I finally admitted to myself that I could maybe have a real friend, and then-" I spread my arms, and then dropped them.

"Every time, Nico." I said quietly, "Every time I do that I hate myself for it." I pointed to the small, white, permanent scar on his left forearm from when the ice dome-that I had created- had crashed down on us, "Because that's what happens. People get hurt, Nico."

"Yeah," he whispered, dark eyes haunting, "They do. And you know what, Kayla?" He took a step towards me, "Time keeps ticking," He gently pulled my left hand up so I could see it, fingers curled around my wrist.

"I learned that a long time ago. How do you think that Huntress in the stars got there, Kayla? People are allowed to choose to stay with you and you not be responsible for their actions. Pushing people away who are making an informed decision is selfish," He uncurled my fingers, pressing his thumb into the middle of my palm.

"This hand could break a neck, but it's the same hand that could pick flowers in a garden. There's two sides to everything, and I think that you'll find inside this camp, it's filled with people just like you, struggling with their emotions and choices."

"How can you be so sure?" I didn't pull my hand away.

"Because I live here," He replied. We watched each other for a moment, until he pulled away gently and started walking. I followed him slowly, breaking through the underbrush. The gravel crunched beneath my black boots as I stepped onto the trail. He led me under the sign and over a short hill, and I watch the camp open up beneath us. Pavilions, custom cabins, strawberry fields, a rock wall similar to Stark's challenge room. I had studied up on my Greek and Roman 'gods'. I could identify each cabin and its appointed parent, and the main room, what must have been the cafeteria.

"And if you're worried about the people here getting hurt-" Nico motioned to something on my left, and actually chuckled, "I'd like to see them try." My eyes widened at the fighting arena, archery sessions, knife throwing, and hand-to-hand combat.

"We fight for our lives every day. We know what it's like. Maybe not to your extent, but still...I wouldn't be so quick to underestimate us," Nico started to walk again.

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