Chapter 9

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The igloo was freezing.

At least, that's what everyone told me. 

        It turned out to be an underground bunker, hidden deep beneath the snow. When we finally managed to open the metal hatch, I figured I would see a ladder going downward into a big metal room, with some offshoots and labs, maybe two stories deep at most. Well, I was right about the ladder. Beneath me, shaped like a cylinder, with multiple halls and branches shooting off its floors, was a cavernous region that lead straight down at least ten stories below. The place was huge, and Fitz and Simmons got their labs, May got her gym, Coulson got his office, and Mack....He disappeared soon after we reached the floor of the first story, leading M away. 

        "Kayla," I turned to Coulson motioning for me to follow him.

        "You might want to see this," He smirked. I followed him through a maze of stairs and hallways until he reached a large metal door.

        "Titanium steel," He said when he caught me looking at it. "Stark helped us get it." I shouldn't have been surprised, I had recognized the metal. Coulson pressed his thumb to a small rounded section in the wall, and I caught the flash as the hardware recognized his print. Then he motioned for me to do it.

        "I don't really like leaving something that can be traceable anywhere," I said flatly.

        "Neither did the Black Widow," Coulson replied. I sighed and placed my thumb in the section, and as I did so, the door swung open easily. It was at least a foot thick. I raised an eyebrow. 

        "What are you showing me, Coulson?" I asked, as we walked into the room. Lights flickered on, and screens lit up around me. I turned full circle as I walked forward, taking it all in. The room was big-not cavern big, but pretty close. An elevator was installed in one wall, and along said wall were several glass cases containing various items. I walked up to a case labeled simply: BANNER, BRUCE. Inside the lit case, several small vials were sitting on stands, along with a microscope, some pairs of pants, and a couple syringes. Other than that, it was pretty empty.

        "Banner doesn't need most of this stuff, and we all hope for his sake that he never will. But should the time ever arise when that the green monster turns against him, he has created a injection that will stop it." Coulson's words made me even more interested than I already was. I was familiar with the Avengers, but their work wasn't my whole world like it was some people's. They happened to exists in the same planet as me, which was great for the protection of Earth but not Insurance rates. A balance is always demanded.

        "The Hulk," I looked at the vials more closely.

        "Are those-"

        "Yes." I moved on to the next case. It was labeled: ROGERS, STEVE. It contained his old Captain America suit, some trading cards, some war helmets and gear.

        "That ones really just a reminder, really. Every once in a while the security protocol alerts me that the captain has entered the base. He has full access to his case, and he usually just reminisces while looking at them." I looked at a small photo in the case a little closer, then turned to Coulson.

        "Whose the girl?"

        "Peggy Carter. One of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D." I laughed quietly.

        "How ironic."

        "How so?" It was the first time I had heard him angry, and even though he did his best to contain his emotions I could still detect the undercurrent in his tone. I tapped against the glass where a replica of Captain America's shield sat on a base. 

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