Chapter 31

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"She was going to sacrifice herself in order to stop the Chitari," Loki's power flared around us as he took in the news.

"Foolish," He snarled, shaking his head. The green and blue energy surrounding us wisped in and out, like spider legs.

"Brave," I corrected, "Except she never made it."

"And what do you suggest?" He ran a hand through his black hair.

"I'm not sure yet," I replied. I had made it back to the jet on my own, not letting Nico know. The team wasn't aware I was here, just Loki, which was good because I wanted to tell him the news first. He deserved that much.

"We can't let them be aware of this...development," He rubbed his hands together, "I will do what I can to spy on the Chitari. But I am regretful to leave-"

"Go," I said, "I'm fine here. Find the portal so we can shut the cube down."

"And then what? We go gallivanting in there like some sort of heroes? We are good, Kayla. But on the other side of that portal is an army that I am no longer in control of."

"I understand. I'm working on a solution," I said. Loki hesitated, and then reached out and hugged me. I froze, shocked by his sudden sign of emotion, and then slowly hugged him back.  When he let go, I pushed him out of the sphere of energy and he teleported away. I sighed and leaned onto the railing guarding the last floor of the Empire State Building; I was a long ways up. I looked out over the city, biting my lip. Executing a plan to save my mother and somehow destroy the army was in no way going to be a simple process. Suddenly I heard a ding! behind me and the sound of elevator doors opening. By the time that the two people in the elevator were walking out to where I had just been standing, I was perched on a small ledge above their heads.

"I don't know. But if there is anything I am sure of, it is that we are not ready for another battle. Send him back into your realm if you must, but do not harm the man. He doesn't understand what he is doing." Two men had exited beneath me. One wore a tan cargo shorts and a red and blue tourist shirt, fishing cap on his head. The other looked strangely gothic, but I couldn't focus my eyes on him. Each time I thought I had seen a face, the air around him shifted and I was left rubbing my eyes.

"He's going to destroy the plan, much less my dwelling!" The goth said, his voice gravely, "He is too powerful-there is no way to hide him for very long. And Hell is no place for a man with his power."

"Wait," The tourist held up one finger.

"We are being watched," The other looked straight at me, and I felt my I stomach fall. I focused on the street level and summoned my energy. I wasn't sure that what I was about to do was even within my capability, but I could try-I'd been practicing in my free time, but had never made a jump this far. I slowly stood, directing my energy at the spot on the street before I jumped off the Empire State Building.

The world rushed into a blur around me, and I felt myself stumble, dizzy. I threw my hands out to steady myself, and my hands found something round, metal, and sturdy. My vision cleared even though my head throbbed, and I looked up, blinking. A street light. I had done it, but I was so drained I couldn't do it again, so I just wobbled down the sidewalk until I found a safe, empty building to rest in. I climbed the stairs, my vision spotty. I am going to have to work on that. I leaned against a pillar to calm my nerves down, shutting my eyes. When I opened them again, the building was in flames. I scrambled to my feet, looking around for a way out. Ice shot out from my hands, and for a moment, I thought I was fine, but it melted immediately. I crossed the floor, looking for the stairwell.

A sharp Crack! sounded above me and I dove out of the way as the beam came down. Forget the stairs-where was the window? I was semi-surprised that I wasn't coughing from inhaling the smoke yet. I summoned more ice and more power, twirling the two around me like a tornado. The flames were twisted with the wind, but didn't go out; this wasn't an ordinary fire. My anger grew as I directed the energy in front of me, creating a barrier that I could walk through. I was half-way through when I felt a force slam down on my strength, and my wall came down. The two powers waged a battle inside of me, and I struggled to keep my will intact. It was like driving into an invisible wall. I ran towards the back of the building as fast as I could, the tongues of the heat licking at my legs. Door. I grabbed the handle and pushed it open. The next room was even worse off, but I pushed through it anyway, hoping that there was a fire escape on the back of the building.

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