MarkHyuck (Smut)

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Genres: slight angst, smut, fluff
Description: Mark is a new transfer student and the teacher sits him next to Haechan. Things progress from there.
Warnings: smut, choking, daddy kink, mentions of abuse.

Mark met Haechan in high school. He was a new student and the teacher sat him next to Haechan. At first, Mark just wanted to get through the school year with talking to as few people as possible but not on Haechan's watch.

Haechan, being the social person he is, started asking Mark questions about him. Mark wanted to just ignore him at first but soon gave up after Haechan literally started to follow him everywhere.

"What do you want?" asked Mark, annoyed.

"Oh, so you can speak. I'm Haechan if you didn't already know." said the younger smiling.

"I didn't ask for your name. I said, what do you want?" asked Mark once again.

"I wanna be your friend!" excitedly said Haechan.

"Friend? I don't need friends." gloomily said Mark and walked away.

He ignored Haechan calling his name multiple times to come back. He would soon move anyway, as soon as his mother finds another rich boyfriend, they would move somewhere else. That's how it's always been. Why would he need friends if he's gonna move again in a couple of months? Friends are fake anyway, he thought.

He came home that night and saw his mother and her new boyfriend sitting at the kitchen table, chatting about something.

"Oh, Markie you're back!" said his mother in such a fake tone. Mark almost threw up in his mouth. She always pretended to care about him in front of her boyfriends, but when it was just 2 of them, she would yell at him for literally anything.

"Yes, I'm back." answered Mark, not even sparing a glance to his mom's boyfriend, going straight to his room.

"Wait, we have to talk about something." said the woman.

"What is it?" groaned Mark, turning around.

"You're going to meet his son, so I expect manners." said she, gesturing to her boyfriend.

Again, Mark thought. Another step-sibling. How many he already had? He lost count on 10.

"Okay, then where is he?" asked annoyed Mark.

Just at that moment, the door opened and Haechan came in.

"Hi, sorry I'm late, ran into some inconveniences on the way." apologized Haechan.

"It's okay Chanie, Mark just got here too." said Mark's mother sweetly.

The look of shock and confusion came onto the 2 boys' faces when they realized that they're going to be step-siblings. Great, just great, thought Mark while trying to sneak to his room again.

A smile came across Haechan's face.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Haechan." said Haechan, making his way over to Mark and holding out his hand.

"I'm Mark." sighed Mark and shook Haechan's hand.

"Now you 2 boys can go play in Mark's room." said Mark's mother as if they boys were 5.

Mark just rolled his eyes and made his way into his room. Haechan followed him, closing the door.

"Is this why you were pestering me so much in school?" asked gloomy Mark.

"Nope. Didn't know we are step-siblings until now." honestly answered Haechan. "But now, I even get to be in the same house as you."

"No." cut off Mark.

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