Jaeyong pt.2 (Fluff)

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genre: fluff
description: it's their best anniversary yet.
warnings: mentions of anxiety

hey everyone, it's been a while! this was requested, hope you all enjoy!

ever since jaehyun and taeyong got back together, they've been going stronger than ever. they walk together to jaehyun's cafe every morning where the younger makes taeyong his coffee and the elder gets on his way to work. then in the evenings, taeyong waits inside the cafe for jaehyun and they leave together after closing.

jaehyun moved in with taeyong and the latter could not have been happier. going to sleep and waking up next to the love of his life was everything that taeyong could ever wish for. of course, they get into fights from time to time, but they always resolve it and compromise with each other.

and just like that, they were coming up on their first year anniversary since they got back together. taeyong felt nervous and he couldn't pinpoint why. with just a few days away, he thought he had the perfect gift for jaehyun. but now, his doubts and thoughts were getting to his head. what if jaehyun didn't like it? what if his gift was just too basic? taeyong wanted this anniversary to be memorable and perfect but right now it didn't feel like that is going to happen.

sighing for the 100th in his office, taeyong took out his gift from one of the drawers in his table. it was a mid sized box that contained 2 necklaces. both had J+T carved on them. taeyong had them customized by a friend. closing the box and putting it back, his thoughts drifted to jaehyun. he wondered what the younger was doing right now. he missed him.


and just like that, their anniversary day came. taeyong woke up first and kissed jaehyun's nose. the younger slowly opened his eyes and smiled at taeyong.

"happy anniversary love." sweetly said jaehyun, kissing taeyong's cheek.

"happy anniversary baby." taeyong chuckled and they both got up.

after doing their morning routines, they came out to the kitchen, where taeyong started cooking breakfast with jaehyun back hugging him the entire time.

"we're both doing half day, remember?" asked jaehyun, watching taeyong cook.

"yes, and then we're meeting at the restaurant at 2." answered taeyong.

"yep" said jaehyun, placing a kiss behind taeyong's ear.


sitting in his office, taeyong was once again drowning in his thoughts. he could not focus on his work, the anxiety and nervousness occupying his mind.

snap out of it, he thought. you're not 16 anymore, he kept telling himself. yet, right now it felt like he was 16 again when jaehyun and him first started dating. taeyong couldn't shake off this overwhelming feeling of anxiety, he truly didn't know why he was feeling this way.

before he knew, it was time for him to get off work and start heading to the restaurant. triple checking that he has the gift, he got into a cab and texted jaehyun that he was on his way.

what he didn't know, is that jaehyun never stayed at work that day. as soon as he opened the cafe and taeyong was out of sight, he waited until his employees came and he left.

the restaurant that they're meeting up at, was bought by jaehyun recently but he never told taeyong. getting to the restaurant, he opened it and started setting up for his surprise. jaehyun also wanted this anniversary to be memorable for both of them, that's why he needed everything to be perfect. he got some of his friends to act as staff so taeyong wouldn't get suspicious. and he was sure that this anniversary is going to be the best one yet.

when he got taeyong's message, he decided to go outside and wait for him. soon enough, taeyong stepped out of the cab and spotting the younger, gave him a hug.

"hey, did you wait long?" asked taeyong, as they stepped into the restaurant.

"nope, just got here a little before you did." lied jaehyun.

they came up to the host table and the host sat them down.

"someone will be with you shortly, please enjoy!" said the host and gave jaehyun a knowing look.

"thank you." said taeyong.

as they were looking over the menu, the couple had little conversations here and there. taeyong looked around the establishment.

"why are we the only ones here? this looks like an expensive restaurant." taeyong pointed out.

"hm, i don't know. i mean, isn't it better if it's just the two of us?" jaehyun gave taeyong a reassuring smile.

"i guess." taeyong smiled back.

they continued looking over the menu until the waiter came and took their orders. they thanked the man and turned to each other. taeyong didn't know when to give his gift but he just figured that he'll wait for jaehyun.

"so, were there a lot of customer today?" asked taeyong.

"meh, it was alright." answered jaehyun. "you know, it's kind of funny."

"what is?"

"how we're sitting here right now, it's as if it was only yesterday that we went on our first date when we were 16."

taeyong chuckled at the memory of their first ever date. jaehyun took him to the aquarium and then a cafe, where jaehyun spilled coffee all over himself.

"i was so nervous, i ended up embarrassing myself in front of you and everyone who was at that cafe." said jaehyun, smiling at the memory.

"that was so funny!" laughed taeyong.

the couple kept talking until their food came. the waiter bowed and gave jaehyun a little thumbs-up, without taeyong noticing. jaehyun and taeyong started to eating, occasionally saying something to each other.

once they were done, taeyong felt his anxiety slowly come back.

"i'll be right back, i'll go use the restroom." said taeyong, getting up.

once he went into the restroom, he stared at himself in the mirror. feeling his coat pocket for the box, he splashed some cold water on his face. get it together, he told himself. he fixed up his hair and took one last long look at himself before coming out of the restroom.

but as soon as he stepped out, all the lights turned off. taeyong, started panicking until he saw a candle being lit. then 2 candles, and then 3. he looked around confused. the candles made a little pathway for him to follow. he was following them until he saw a big heart with jaehyun standing in the middle of it.

"jaehyun, what is this?" taeyong was genuinely confused. he made his way into the heart and stood in front of jaehyun.

"lee taeyong, my first love, first kiss, first date, first everything. i love you so much, more than you can ever imagine. when i saw you walk into the cafe after i came back to korea, i was determined to make you mine again. taeyong, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. you're the most important person in my life and i seriously don't know what i would do without you. will you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world?" jaehyun pulled out a box from his pocket, got down on one knee, and opened the box, revealing a ring. "will you marry me?"

taeyong felt tears running down his cheeks, he could not believe what was happening. he felt all of his anxiety gone.

"yes, of course i will marry you!" exclaimed taeyong through his tears.

jaehyun got up and hugged taeyong, kissing him on the forehead. he took the ring from the box and put it on taeyong's ring finger. taeyong got out his gift from his pocket and opened the box. he took one of the necklaces and put it around jaehyun's neck.

"it has our initials carved in it." said taeyong, showing it to jaehyun.

jaehyun smiled widely and kissed taeyong.

"together forever" said jaehyun.

"together forever" repeated taeyong.

word count: 1330

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