MarkHyuck pt.2 (Smut)

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Genre: smut, fluff
Description: While Mark was cleaning, he found a whole box of sex toys under Haechan's bed. Their dad was on a business trip so Mark had nothing to worry about.
Warnings: sex toys, daddy kink, cross-dressing, orgasm denial, dirty talk.
I got inspiration for this from NoannyMarie. Thank you bestie~

Mark was vacuuming every room while Haechan was cleaning the bathrooms. Their dad was on a business trip so they could at least clean the house while he was gone.

The only spot that was left was under Haechan's bed. Mark bent down to get stuff from under the bed. He saw some old papers, dirty clothes, but what bought his attention is a black box. He reached for the box and contemplated to whether or not open the box. Mark slowly lifted the lid and gasped at what he saw inside.

There was a different variety of sex toys in the box. He also saw some lingerie and a maid outfit. Mark wondered how he didn't notice this box before. Suddenly, he got an idea.

"Haechanie, can you come here for a second?" asked Mark holding the box.

"Yeah what is- OMG WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT?!" Haechan freaked out.

"The question is, why do YOU have all this? You play with yourself without me? What did I tell you to not do?" asked Mark in a low tone, sitting down on Haechan's bed.

Haechan lowered his gaze to the floor, shivers running down his spine from Mark's tone of voice.

"I asked a question, I expect an answer." sternly said Mark, his dominant side taking over.

"T-to not touch myself without your permission." stuttered Haechan, feeling small under Mark's stare. "B-but I had those-"

"It doesn't matter." Mark cut off Haechan. "Seems like you really like this kind of stuff. Then why don't you put this lingerie on?" said Mark, reaching for a pink lingerie in the box.

"M-Mark you can't be serious." said embarrassed Haechan.

"First of all, that's not my name. Second of all, do I look like I'm joking?" coldly asked Mark.

"N-no...daddy." quietly said Haechan, almost whispering the last word.

"What was that?" smirked Mark.

"Daddy." repeated Haechan a bit louder.

"That's my baby." smiled Mark and threw the lingerie to Haechan, which the younger easily caught.

He hesitantly and slowly put the lingerie on with Mark's gaze never leaving him.

"Sit down." said Mark, gesturing to the bed.

Haechan quickly sat down, not wanting to anger Mark. The elder reached for a pair of handcuffs.

"Are you okay with this?" asked Mark, pointing at the handcuffs.

"Yes, daddy." confidently answered Haechan.

Mark smirked and carefully handcuffed Haechan's hands to the headboard of the bed.

"Is it too tight?" asked Mark, with concern in his voice.

"No daddy." replied Haechan.

Being handcuffed was new to Haechan but the feeling excited him and left him craving for more.

"This little whore just can't wait to be touched huh?" teased Mark, running his fingers down Haechan's thigh, removing the bottom part of the lingerie.

Haechan shivered under Mark's touch. Mark knew all about Haechan's weak spots and he was about to use it to his advantage.

"Tell me how much you want a toy up your little, slutty hole." almost growled Mark.

"Daddy, please I want a toy up my ass so bad.. please daddy, I'll be a good boy I swear.." begged Haechan.

"Well, since you begged like that." said Mark, shoving a vibrator all the way into Haechan, making the younger scream.

Haechan continued to moan loudly, encouraging Mark to insert the toy in and out even faster. Haechan's thighs began to shake as he felt his orgasm nearing. Mark noticed that and quickly turned off the toy, taking it out of Haechan. The younger whimpered at the loss of contact.

"That's one for keeping these toys a secret." said Mark, throwing the vibrator who knows where.

Mark then proceeded to take out a big, baby pink dildo. Haechan's eyes went wide. It was his most recent toy and he never used it yet.

"What, scared?" asked Mark, noticing Haechan's shocked expression.

"N-no." stuttered Haechan.

"Good." said Mark, slamming the dildo inside the younger.

Haechan screamed at the sudden intrusion, and kept doing so as Mark continuously inserted the toy in and out, harder each time. Haechan felt his orgasm build up once again, but Mark wasn't about to let the younger cum. The elder quickly pulled out the toy before Haechan could cum. Haechan loudly whined.

"This is what you get as your punishment, baby." said Mark, scattering hickeys across Haechan's neck.

Haechan whimpered even more, he needed to cum really bad. His cock was an angry shade of red and in need of a release.

"Daddy, please! Please ruin me with your cock! Please fill me up with your cum! Daddy please!" begged Haechan, tears streaming down his face.

"That's my whore." Mark displayed a satisfied grin on his face.

With one swift move, Mark's clothes were scattered all over the floor, as he was lining up to Haechan's wet entrance. Mark threw Haechan's thighs over his own shoulders to get a better angle when fucking the younger.

Mark slammed into Haechan all the way and continued thrusting, not giving the younger any time to adjust to Mark's big size. Mark was pounding into Haechan at an inhuman pace, while the bottom was screaming under Mark.

"You like that, you slut? You like when I pound into you like this? You like it when I ruin you with my cock?" dirty talked Mark.

It was all too much for Haechan. The dirty talk, the thrusting, it was too much to handle. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Pleasure was taking over his mind, he couldn't even form a proper sentence.

"Answer me, you whore!" demanded Mark.

"Ahh...y-yes...daddy.." Haechan managed to say somehow.

"Stupid whore can't even say a normal sentence." said Mark, pounding into Haechan even faster.

"D-daddy 'm g-gonna c-cum.." tried to say Haechan.

"Hold it." ordered Mark to which Haechan whined more.

Mark kept thrusting into Haechan and just when Haechan thought he couldn't wait anymore, Mark allowed him to finally cum.

Haechan's body violently shook as he came all over his stomach. Mark came inside of Haechan and was slowly riding out his orgasm.

Mark pulled out and took off the handcuffs. There were some purple bruises on Haechan's hands because of the handcuffs. Mark went to the bathroom and quickly came back with a towel to wipe Haechan. Meanwhile, Haechan was extremely exhausted. He was almost falling asleep as Mark was wiping the cum off of him.

"Baby, we still gotta take a shower. After we shower, then we can cuddle, ok?" cooed Mark.

"Okay." tiredly replied Haechan.

Mark picked up and carried the younger into the bathroom bridal style. He was washing Haechan as the smaller male tried his best not to fall asleep in the shower.

Mark dried Haechan with a towel and put some comfortable clothes on him. As he was dressing himself, Haechan already lied on the bed, fast asleep.

Mark laid next to Haechan, covering both of them with a blanket, and soon falling asleep himself.

Word Count: 1224
I swear my one-shots are becoming shorter and shorter.

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