NoMin (Smut)

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Description: Jeno and Jaemin knew each other since kindergarten and did everything together. But once Jeno becomes the captain of the basketball team, they stop talking to each other. But what if one day, they get stuck in detention together?
Genre: slight angst, fluff, soft smut.
Warnings: daddy kink
This was actually requested by one of my best friends, so hope you enjoy it~

Jeno met Jaemin in kindergarten. Jaemin was too scared to stand up to some older kids and Jeno, being the kind-hearted child he is, just had to help Jaemin. The two became friends and as time went by, they got closer and closer. They never kept any secrets from each other and always did everything together.

But once Jeno became the captain of the basketball team in high school, they grew distant. They stopped hanging out every day after school, stopped coming over to each other's houses every weekend, and worst of all, they completely stopped talking.

It hurt both of them but they just couldn't bring themselves to start talking again. But it hurt Jaemin the most. Jaemin realized his feelings for Jeno back in middle school so when they stopped talking, he cried himself to sleep almost every night, sadly looked at their old pictures, and in general, missed the older.

Jeno, on the other hand, was distancing himself because he was afraid of his feeling for Jaemin. He didn't know why he felt the way he did but it scared him. He didn't want to end up like his divorced parents so he thought that distancing himself would stop his feelings for the younger.

And yet, right now they're both locked in detention with no way out, probably until the morning. How did they get locked in the detention classroom together? Well, Jaemin was got detention for sleeping in class, and Jeno for talking back to a teacher. Both were surprised to see each other but quickly went back to ignoring each other's existences. After some time, Jaemin got thirsty and wanted to get some water but only to find out, that the door is locked. They both tried screaming for help but no one heard them.

Now to their present situation, Jaemin could only sit back down at a desk and put his head down. How was he supposed to survive being locked in the same classroom with his crush sitting behind him? You could literally feel the tension in the class go up every second.

"It's been a while." Jeno finally broke the silence.

Jaemin lifted his head up and turned around in his desk, looking at the older.

"I guess." replied Jaemin, turning around once again.

There was an awkward silence again after Jaemin spoke.

"What did you get detention for?" asked Jeno, not knowing what else to talk about.

"Sleeping in class. You?" answered Jaemin, still not looking at Jeno.

"Talking back to a teacher." lazily replied Jeno.

"You've always had a thing for talking back." slightly chucked Jaemin.

"And you always had a thing for sleeping in class." giggled Jeno.

Jaemin laughed a bit at the comment, remembering how in middle school, they both would get detention for those 2 things. They didn't mind getting detention as long as they had each other there.

"Is there a reason you suddenly stopped talking to me?" finally asked Jaemin, this question killing him for the past year.

Jeno remained silent. He didn't know how to answer that question. How is he supposed to say that it was the only way for his feelings to stop? Because no, not in the slightest bit, did they stop. In fact, they only grew more and more until Jeno was sure that Jaemin is the only one for him but it was already too late. They stopped talking and Jeno never got the chance to confess. He missed it.

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