2Jae (Smut)

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Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Description: Jaehyun and Jaemin were best friends until Jaemin moved to another city. He came back 10 years later only to find that Jaehyun has a boyfriend.
Warnings: mentions of bullying
Extra: Jaehyun and Jaemin are born in the same year but Jaehyun is still older by a couple of months.
My best friend gave me the inspiration to write this so hope you enjoy it~~~

It was like a cliche best friends since birth story. Their moms were best friends so as soon as Jaehyun and Jaemin could walk and talk, the two women would always try to make their sons play together. Not that Jaehyun and Jaemin minded, no they liked each other. Well, as much as 3 year olds could. They were truly inseparable. Wherever they went, they were always together.

That was until Jaemin turned 8. Like they say, what's meant to happen, will happen. An accident is all it took for Jaemin's world to come crumbling down. A hit and run to be exact. His dad was hit by a car, killed on the spot. When Jaemin got the call, Jaehyun was by his side. Jaehyun continued to be by his side until Jaemin's mom just couldn't afford to stay in the same city anymore. They had to move.

Jaemin couldn't take it. His father's death and now parting from his best friend was too much for an 8 year old. He cried and begged his mom not to move. It's not like Jaehyun's parents didn't offer help either. But his mom was stubborn and in the end, they still moved to another city.

For the first few weeks of living in a new city, Jaemin struggled with everything. Making new friends, getting used to the new environment, and trying to get over his dad's death. His mom didn't have the sweetest time either. Day and night, 7 days a week, she worked 4 jobs to support herself and her son. Jaemin tried to be understanding, he really did. But what can he do when he was bullied everyday because he couldn't stand up for himself? Usually, Jaehyun was there with him but not this time.

Luckily, Jaemin quickly learned how to fight and stand up for himself. He was tired of being used as a pushover, he hated the feeling that he couldn't do anything now that Jaehyun wasn't there. Jaemin had to grow up quickly and see how cruel this world actually is at a very young age. He never talked about his real feelings nor did he feel anything anymore towards anyone except his mom. His whole world basically became gray.

And just like that, 10 years have passed. Jaemin was now 18 years old. His mom actually became a CEO of a powerful company that she created herself from scratch. All those years of working countless hours finally paid off. She could finally support her family financially. The woman wondered if her son now wanted to move back to their hometown since they have more than enough money. Jaemin asked himself if he really wanted to move back there.

Over the years, he lost all contact with Jaehyun but the elder was still lingering in his mind from time to time. Plus, he made a pretty good friend here too. His name is Jeno. Jaemin got along with him well and didn't want to lose that.

But still, there was something that was almost calling Jaemin to come back to his hometown. So he agreed but only if Jeno could come with him so he won't be so lonely. Jeno happily agreed and with permission from his parents, Jeno moved in with Jaemin in a separate apartment from Jaemin's mom in their hometown. She of course agreed to let the boys do that. She never saw her son this happy since the accident, so why would she take it away from him?

Jaemin and Jeno transferred schools and were now unpacking. They had to go to school tomorrow so they just unpacked the necessary stuff first and decided to unpack everything else on the weekend. Satisfied with their work, the boys went to sleep.

The next morning:

Jaemin and Jeno pulled up to their new school in Jaemin's car. His mom bought it for him for his 18th birthday, so it was new. Surprisingly, as they were walking towards the office to get their schedules, they got quite a few stares. I mean, if two hot guys pulled up in an expensive car, who wouldn't stare?

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