SungLe (Smut)

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Genre: angst, smut, fluff.
Description: Sungchan and Chenle used to be best friends until this one party.
Warnings: none

Sungchan and Chenle used to be best friends. Keyword, used to be. All it took was one misunderstanding. Just one. One single misunderstanding that ruined their friendship. They used to go to each other's houses all time. They used to hangout, talk, and laugh together all the time.

But all good things come to an end.

First year of high school, Sungchan and Chenle were so excited to be in the same school. They had a lot of classes together so they could be seen together quite often. That's how it went for a couple of months. Until this one party.

The party was for the first years to welcome them to high school. The two best friends were really excited for it. They kept talking about it and couldn't decide what to wear.

After hours of picking clothes, they went with simple jeans and t-shirts. Walking to the party, they were talking about how excited they were. Entering the party, loud music was resonating throughout the whole room. People dancing on the dance floor, some even grinding on each other.

Chenle came up to the snacks table and started stuffing himself with food. Sungchan already had a cup of punch in his hand. The boys were just casually talking with each other and enjoying their time.

Chenle had to soon go to the bathroom so he left Sungchan alone. After doing his business, he came out of the bathroom and started looking for Sungchan.

He spotted the older by another table but not alone. Sungchan was there making out with a girl. Chenle's eyes filled with tears as he ran out of the party. He raced to his house and locked himself in his room.

He couldn't believe what he saw. Hot tears kept streaming down his cheeks as he tried to calm down. Sungchan, his best friend, was making out with a girl. Sungchan whom Chenle has feelings for. It hurt. It hurt like shit.

His phone started ringing, "Sungchanie❤️" displaying on the screen. Chenle scoffed and turned off his phone, throwing it across his room. The picture of Sungchan making out with the girl kept replaying in his head, making him cry even more. He cried himself to sleep that night, his mind still on his best friend.

The next morning, Chenle wakes up because of the loud and continuous banging on his window. He lazily gets up and walks over to the source of the sound. Lifting the window up, he saw the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Bro, why did you leave without telling me? Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't find you?" said Sungchan, leaning in to hug Chenle through the window.

"Just leave me alone and go worry about your little girlfriend." coldly said Chenle, stepping away so Sungchan couldn't hug him.

Sungchan was shocked by the action but even more so by the words. Chenle never spoke to him that way before. In such a cold tone, no matter how much the two fought, Chenle never used that tone with Sungchan.

"Chenle, what's wrong?" asked Sungchan, concerned.

"Leave me alone! Just leave!" Chenle raised his voice. Sungchan's eyes widened.

"Chenle, please tell me what's wrong. You're worrying me!" said Sungchan, trying to climb inside of Chenle's room.

"NO! LEAVE!" yelled Chenle making Sungchan retreat.

Sungchan took a deep breath before his eyes went dark.

"Give me a call when you're ready to talk then." that was the last thing Sungchan said before he was out of Chenle's sight.

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