LuRen (Smut)

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Genre: slight angst, smut, fluff
Description: Renjun makes Lucas jealous and gets punished for it.
Warnings: orgasm denial, spanking, dirty-talk, overstimulation.

It all started with Renjun trying to make Lucas jealous. Which, let me tell you right now, was definitely not a good idea. Lucas is a patient and understanding person most of the time, so you definitely don't want to make him mad. But when someone gets on his bad side, Lucas is scary as hell.

Lately, Lucas has been extremely busy with his work so Renjun felt lonely. The elder came back home really late every night and because of how tired he was, he would just simply go to sleep. Renjun was understanding at first, but after 2 weeks of the same behavior, he started overthinking. He thought that the elder was cheating on him, even worse, maybe they'll soon break up. Renjun cried himself to sleep every night, thinking that any day now, Lucas would break up with him.

But finally, Lucas caught a break. His boss gave him a 3 day leave to let him rest. Renjun couldn't be more happy to hear that his boyfriend would finally spend some time with him. Or that's what he thought.

The first day of his rest, Lucas slept through the whole day. Renjun tried to cuddle with the elder multiple times, but Lucas just waved him off and said that he's tired. That didn't help Renjun's overthinking. At this point, Renjun was almost convinced that the elder is cheating on him. His last hope is to make the elder jealous. And who else would best fit that role other than Lee Donghyuck?

So on the second day, Renjun invited Donghyuck over to hang out and told the younger of his plan. Donghyuck agreed to help Renjun with a condition that Mark doesn't find out about this. And with that, the action started.

It was about 12 in the afternoon and Lucas just woke up. He felt absolutely terrible for not giving Renjun any attention because of how busy and tired he was. He came out of their shared bedroom and went to the living room only to find Renjun and Donghyuck cuddling on the couch.

"Oh you're awake? It's about time." said Renjun in a teasing manner, scooting closer to Donghyuck.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Lucas, trying to keep his cool even though he was raging on the inside.

"Watching a movie." answered Donghyuck, not even looking at Lucas.

"I see." said Lucas in a low tone, his hand turning into a fist as he tried to remain calm and to not punch something...or someone.

Renjun internally smirked as he knew that his plan was working. He decided to take it up a notch and started to flirt a little with Donghyuck.

"Hyuckie, your eyes are so pretty." said Renjun, loud enough for Lucas to hear.

"Thank you, Injunie." sweetly replied Hyuck.

This made Lucas even more mad. Only he calls Renjun that. It's Lucas's thing not Donghyuck's.

The last thing that Renjun had planned is to kiss Donghyuck on the cheek. So, Renjun turned all of his body to Donghyuck and gave him a light peck on the cheek.

That was the last straw for Lucas. He loudly slammed his hand on the kitchen countertop and stormed over to the pair.

Renjun flinched as Lucas harshly grabbed and pulled his hand, making Renjun stand up.

"You should get going." growled Lucas, glaring at Donghyuck.

As Donghyuck was quickly putting his shoes on, he shot a thumbs up to Renjun and left. Renjun waved at Donghyuck which made Lucas even more pissed.

"Now you." Lucas turned to Renjun, his eyes dark red.

"Why did you make him leave?" whined Renjun, trying to get out of Lucas's death grip.

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