Renmin (smut)

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genre: school au, fluff, smut
description: renjun's life was simple until jaemin came into it.
warnings: bullying
requested by @10Kalinator hope you like this!

simple. that's the word that renjun would use to describe himself. he liked his life simple. he liked his things simple. nothing over the top, just simply simple. his daily routine has always been the same. until, a certain boy came by.

na jaemin. a rebel in all honesty. detention at least twice a week. parties at least every week. renjun didn't want to associate himself with those kind of people. it didn't fit his simple lifestyle. however jaemin wanted to do everything in his power to fit himself into renjun's life. he made it his goal.

it all started when jaemin transferred to ncity high school because he was expelled from his last school. his family was rich though so they just made a donation to the school and jaemin was transferred no problem.

when renjun was assigned to show jaemin around, the korean immediately had his eyes on the older. renjun wasn't blind and he noticed the way jaemin was eye fucking him, however he didn't say anything about it.

"and there's the science building, then there's the gym." explained renjun, but jaemin was not paying attention in the slightest. all his attention was dedicated to renjun's ass that was right in front of him. after walking around the whole school, renjun turned to jaemin.

"that concludes the orientation. any questions?"

"yea. how about my place tonight at 8?" smirked jaemin.

"no." said renjun with no hesitation and stared at him emotionlessly.

"damn. didn't even think it over." jaemin tried to laugh off the rejection. the thing is, he never experienced the feeling of rejection. other people were usually always at his feet but renjun was different.

renjun rolled his eyes and left to go back to class, with jaemin following him since he had the same schedule. they both came in to history class and the teacher instructed jaemin to sit next to renjun. the korean immediately followed instructions while the chinese cursed in his head. however he had no choice so they quickly sat down. the teacher was talking and renjun was taking notes on the lesson. jaemin was on his phone but that quickly got boring. he looked around to see some girls staring at him and almost undressing him with their eyes. he smirked and winked at them. the girls blushed one by one and giggled quietly.

but jaemin was still bored. he looked over to renjun and saw the chinese taking careful notes. then he suddenly got an idea. he placed his hand on renjun's thigh and squeezed slightly. renjun stopped writing and smacked jaemin's hand away.

"stop it." he whispered. there was no way jaemin was gonna stop now.

he tested the waters and grabbed renjun's thigh again, slowly sliding up. the chinese grabbed jaemin's hand with his own and pushed it off. he couldn't tell the teacher in front of everyone that jaemin was touching his thigh, that would be so embarrassing.

jaemin grabbed renjun's free hand and interlocked it with his hand. renjun was confused but that was better than the younger grabbing his thigh. they spent the rest of the class holding hands like that.

when the bell rang, jaemin turned to renjun.

"can i have your number?"

"no." jaemin was stunned.

"darling, we spent the last 45 minutes holding hands and you won't even give me your number after that?" renjun deadpanned him and without replying, walked away.

jaemin was shocked. never had he ever have someone walk out on him. he didn't like this feeling. think jaemin, he kept repeating in his head.

after a good while the only think he came up with was to keep pursuing renjun. jaemin wanted renjun. and he isn't gonna stop until he has him.

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