JohnTen (Smut)

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Genres: slight angst, smut.
Description: What happens with Johnny and Ten if they get stuck in a room together with no way out?
Warnings: daddy kink, chocking, dirty talk.
Extra: kind of a continuation of the previous chapter but with Johnny and Ten.

Currently, Johnny and Ten were at a party, locked in one of the rooms with no way out. This wasn't a part of Ten's plan. He told their friends to just leave Johnny and him alone in a room but he didn't tell them to lock it.

"Is this some kind of prank? Why did they lock the door?" asked Johnny, trying to open the door but with no luck.

"I-I don't know." replied Ten. Well this is gonna be awkward, he thought.

"Well, I guess we are stuck here until someone decides to open the door." said Johnny sitting down next to Ten on the bed.

"I guess." sighed Ten.

There was an awkward moment of silence between the two. Ten started fidgeting with his fingers out of nervousness.

"What's on your mind?" broke the silence Johnny.

"It's nothing." lied Ten.

"Ten, I've known you long enough to know that you always fidget with your fingers when you're nervous." said Johnny.

"It's just.." Ten couldn't finish the rest of the sentence. Why is it so hard for him to say those 3 words?

"Ten please talk to me, you're making me worry." said Johnny, now standing right in front of Ten, crouching down so their faces are on the same level.

"I...Johnny I love you." said Ten, madly blushing.

Johnny stood there with a shocked expression. He blinked a few times and thought if he heard the younger right.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" asked Johnny.

"I've been sending you signals that I love you for the past 2 years! But no, you never noticed it! All the times I've sat on your lap, all the light kisses, you've always brushed it off! It never meant anything to you but it meant the world to me!" yelled Ten, covering his face with his hands, now crying.

Johnny became even more shocked. He always noticed everything that Ten did, how could he not? And of course it meant something to him.

"Ten, I.." quietly said Johnny, removing Ten's hands and lifting Ten's chin.

"Ten, I've always noticed it. I'm sorry I just thought that there was no way that you loved me back so I just brushed it off. But Ten, I love you. I can't stop my feelings for you and you mean the world to me. Please forgive me." confessed Johnny hugging Ten.

Ten, upon hearing the confession, started crying even more into the crook of Johnny's neck.

"Of course I forgive you." quietly whispered Ten.

Johnny smiled and pulled away from Ten. They stared at each other for a moment before Johnny leaned in to kiss Ten.

The kiss was filled with love and emotion. Their lips moved in sync with each other like they were meant to be which they were. They pulled away to breathe but quickly reattached their lips again.

Johnny decided to take it up a notch and licked Ten's bottom lip asking for entrance. Ten opened his mouth and Johnny slipped his tongue in. The elder explored Ten's hot cavern without any shame making the other moan into the kiss.

"You're so hot, Ten. You don't know how much things I wanna do to you." sexily whispered Johnny in Ten's ear.

"What's stopping you?" asked Ten, smirking.

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