Yuwin (Smut)

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Genre: smut, fluff
Description: I find you, I fuck you.
Warnings: none
double update? that's so crazy

"Come on out Sichengie. I know you can hear me. You can run but you cannot hide from me~~"

Sicheng was currently hiding under the stack of tables, hand over his mouth to silence his heavy breathing. But why is he hiding? From who? Let's rewind a little bit.

Earlier that day:

It is festival day at Neo City University. All the clubs set up booths to help fundraise money for the school and themselves. There was a lot of people attending so it was crucial for the clubs to have something that would attract a crowd.

For example, Yuta's club, the soccer club, had a haunted house set up. Sicheng's club, the dance club, had a cute cafe set up.

"Sicheng! A caramel frappe to table 5 please!" called Ten, passing the drink to Sicheng.

"Got it!" Sicheng picked up the drink and brought it over to the table. "Please enjoy."

"But you know what I'll enjoy more?" Sicheng looked up and rolled his eyes.

"Go fuck yourself Nakamoto." said the Chinese.

"You know that I would rather fuck you my love." Yuta smirked.

Sicheng rolled his eyes again and left. Stupid Nakamoto, he thought.

Yuta and Sicheng had a love-hate relationship. Or more like, Yuta was always trying to get Sicheng's attention but the latter could care less. This resulted in Yuta's endless attempts to make Sicheng like him and Sicheng straight up rejecting Yuta. Although, the Chinese can't say that he doesn't like always receiving Yuta's attention. He felt wanted and needed. And he may have caught feelings too.

"Ge, my shift ends in like 5." Sicheng told Ten.

"Same. Taeyong is gonna be here to take over. Wanna walk around together?"


When both of their shifts ended, they started looking around for places to go to. It was getting dark so the two had limited time.

"Let's go to the haunted house please, I wanna see Johnny." said Ten, dragging Sicheng with him.

"But ge, I don't like scary stuff." whined Sicheng.

"Please just this once for me. I'll buy you food after." begged Ten.

Sicheng groaned and mentally cursed at Ten. They were getting closer to the haunted house and since it was dark, it looked even scarier.

"Two tickets please!" cheerfully asked Ten, handing over money.

"Good luck you two." said Jungwoo, giving them the tickets.

Sicheng had a really bad feeling about this. The whole building was covered in spider webs, filled with scary masks, and painted red. The cherry on top was some creepy music occasionally with someone screaming in the background.

The 2 males entered and all the lights went out. Sicheng screamed and reached out to grab onto Ten but felt nothing.

"Ge?" Sicheng called out. "Ten ge, this isn't funny, where are you?!" he started freaking out.

"Sichengie~~~" said an annoyingly familiar voice. "Let's play a game. You hide and if I find you, I fuck you."

"Nakamoto is this another one of your stupid pranks? This isn't funny! Where is Ten ge?" yelled an enraged Sicheng.

"Ten? He's probably making out with Johnny somewhere, don't worry about him. In your place, I would be running right now."

Sicheng started speed walking wherever his feet took him. He didn't know where he was going but knowing Yuta, he better hide. What freaked him out even more is that he could hear Yuta but he didn't see him.

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