Jaeyong (Fluff)

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Genre: angst, fluff
Description: Taeyong did not expect to go crazy over Jaehyun. Again.
Warnings: none
Power bottom Taeyong is everything, argue with the wall.

It all started when on his way to work, Taeyong stopped by a small cafe to get himself a coffee. While standing in line, he was looking around and appreciating the cozy vibe in the cafe. He guessed that it was probably a small business that opened recently.

"Next please!" Taeyong heard from behind the counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" asked the barista.

"Hello, I'll have a pumpkin spice latte please." said Taeyong, reaching for his wallet and not looking at who's in front of him.

"Has anyone ever told you that it's rude to not look at the person who's talking to you?" asked the barista, which made Taeyong look up.

In front of him was Jung Jaehyun. His ex-boyfriend. His high school sweetheart. His first love. Jaehyun was a lot of Taeyong's firsts. The elder froze for a second while memories flooded his mind. Snapping out of his trance, Taeyong regained his composure.

"How much will that be?" he asked cooly, trying to get out of this awkward situation.

"Just your number." cockily answered Jaehyun, smirking.

Taeyong did not have the patience to deal with Jaehyun's shit right now so he just put 10,000 won on the counter.

"Keep the change." said Taeyong and went to the next counter to wait for his drink.

After waiting for a couple of minutes Taeyong got his drink and quickly left the cafe, knowing damn well Jaehyun called his name as he was leaving. A million thoughts were running through his head. The last time he remembered, Jaehyun went to America as soon as they finished high school so what was he doing here in Korea? Did something happen that made him come back? Taeyong kept walking distracted until a hand grabbed his wrist and he was stopped. Turning around, Taeyong wished he never did.

"You walk so fast, I had a hard time catching up with you." said a panting Jaehyun, wiping his sweat.

"Let go Jaehyun. I'm gonna be late for work." said Tayeong, trying to get out of Jaehyun's death grip.

"I'm not letting go of you ever again. Taeyong, please can we talk? It's been years and I miss you so much." pleaded Jaehyun.

"Should have thought about that when you left me." coldly replied Taeyong.

"Taeyong please, I just wanna talk to you. Just this one time and then you can decide if you ever wanna see me again." desperately said Jaehyun.

Taeyong was having an internal conflict. On one hand, he really wanted to talk to Jaehyun again because no matter how much he denies it, he really missed the younger. But on the other hand, he can't really forget the pain that the younger caused him all these years.

"Alright fine. Where and when?" deeply sighed Taeyong.

"Come to the cafe at 7 pm, that's when it closes. I'll be waiting for you." smiled Jaehyun.

Taeyong nodded wordlessly and continued walking to his work.


It's 6:57 pm and Taeyong is currently standing in front of the cafe. He doubts once again if he should really come in. He was distracted all day at work because he was so busy thinking about this moment. But before he has a chance to leave, the front door opens, revealing a young boy.

"Sir, we're about to close, did you want something?" asked the boy.

"I uhh...is Jaehyun here?" timidly asked Taeyong.

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