chapter 34"i want to ask something"

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Author's POV

Arjun was sitting on the leathery chair like a king in his office. He wasn't doing any work right now and was just thinking about Meera.


He wasn't regretting his outburst but he can't help but remembering her tear stick face and fear full eyes made him think that he went too hard on her.

But again after thinking that whatever he said was totally right. Not a single word was out of his heart. He needed to do this otherwise she never had understand his emotions.

Thinking a little he come to a conclusion that whatever he did or said was necessary in order to make her understand that what her husband feel about actions or how much hurt he is from her.

He signed but again his mind drifted towards the scene in the morning, when he woke up and was coming out of his room he found her on his door sleeping. His heart clenched seeing her like then.

He knee down in front of her and softly touched her cheeks with his thumbs and rubbed her cheeks to get rid of the dried tear strain from her face. He looked at her face for god know how many minutes but when he noticed her moaning in pain in her sleep from sleeping in the very uncomfortable position he slowly lift her up in his arms and went toward her room.

He was angry on her but that doesn't means he didn't care for her , doesn't love her , he do and can't see her in pain. He didn't utter a single word since morning, he himself was feeling low after last night.

After placing her on the bed he walk out not before looking at her face and shooting his head. She looked so peaceful that his eyes were refusing to look away from his love. He wanted to see her,he hadn't seen her like this form long.

Arjun was back from morning memories to the present when he heard his phone ringing. He looked at phone and saw it was his mother. He talked to her for few more minutes before holding his laptop bag in his hand making his way out of the building.

After the ride of 30 minute he was standing on his door. He entered silently and was expecting a silent enviroment inside and was about to go to his room without making any noise but he was welcomed by a sweet soft angle like voice.

Seems like someone is singing.

Meera was in the kitchen making the dinner for both of them and was singing her favourite song without caring about surrounding.

She was doing her work with a small smile on her face today. When she woke up she clearly remember she slept at Arjun's door last night but woke up on her bed it means he put her here.

He still do care for her even he is angry.

It made Meera smile and made her feel butterflies in her tummy. She though there still some Hope's left.

Arjun silently followed the sound which was attracting him. He was walking on his own and just wanted to know the owner of the voice, somewhere he knows it will non other than his wife but he wanted to see her singing.

As he reach to the door of the kitchen his gaze fall on the small figure who was cooking something while singing closing her eyes. Her hairs were open and face void of makeup.

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