Fake Dating (Juke)

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Art by: annnie_designs and svanaart on insta

In this the Boys (including Willie) are alive and both Julie and Luke are 16

"Julie, you have to do something about him soon", Flynn said for what felt like the 100st time. "I know, I know, but I don't want to hurt his feelings", Julie replied.

Flynn sighed. "Julie, you have rejected Kyle 14 times already and he still wont stop asking you out. Also everyone can see he's only doing it because your band became popular", she said.

Before Julie could say something again, someone walked in - that someone was Luke. "Sorry, to interrupt, but I think I have a solution", he chimed in. "Lets hear it", Flynn enthused. "Do I get a say in this?", Julie asked. "Maybe later", Flynn joked.

"So... I know it sounds cliché, but you could fake-date on of us boys", Luke said. "Good idea, but everyone knows about Alex and Willie, so they disqualify", Flynn added. "So that leaves Reggie and... me", Luke said blushing at the last part.

"Well Reggie is like a brother to me that would be weird", Julie said and the blushed realizing that she was going to fake date Luke. "Luke are you okay with fake-Dating me?", she asked. "Yeah, I suggested it so why not", Luke answered laughing, but also blushing ever so slightly.

That evening the band did a live on Instagram to talk about their newest gig and the new "relationship". After some time this comment showed up:

The.og.phantom: Has anyone else noticed how how Luke and Julie look at each other? #Juke

You have a very good point og.phantom, Alex chuckled. Reggie also chuckled and Julie and Luke blushed. About that we have an announcement, Julie started. Were dating, Luke added holding up their intertwined hands.

The chat exploded with cheers and congratulations, but there was also one message that made Julie smile even more than all the others.

Kyle69 has left the live

The band continued the live for a little longer and then went offline.

"That was something", Julie groaned. "yeah, but it did something", Luke exclaimed, "Kyle left"

"I hope, he leaves me alone at school too", Julie said.

The next day Julie and Luke were walking through the halls holding hands the whole time when Kyle came up to them.

"So I heard you got together", he said. "Yeah, we did", Luke answered happily. "I thought you didn't want to date right now", Kyle remarked after turning fully towards Julie. "Well, I guess Luke was an exception", Julie said awkwardly.

"Then prove it!", Kyle demanded. "Excuse me?", Julie asked. "You heard me, kiss him!", Kyle told her. Both of them blushed.

Luke didn't want Kyle to harass Julie anymore, so he acted out of instinct and pulled Julie in kissing her softly. "There!", he spat, "you happy" Kyle sighed, "Not really, but congratulations I guess" Then he walked off.

As soon as he was gone, Julie started crying slightly. "Julie, what's wrong?", Luke asked concerned. "I need to be alone right now, okay?", she sobbed and then ran off.

Luke followed her to an empty hallway. "Look, I'm sorry for not giving a warning, I just thought it was best for him to leave you alone", Luke shouted to her.

"It's great that he left me alone, but you don't toy with a girl's emotions like that!", Julie shouted back turning around. "What do you mean?", Luke asked slightly confused. What feelings? Did she like Lu-Kyle?

"You don't get it, do you. I like you, Luke! But you are too oblivious to notice", Julie yelled. Then quitter she added, "I just wanted our first kiss to be special, not like this"

"Julie, I-", Luke started. "No, I need to be alone right now, okay", Julie cut him off. Her voice was steady, but there were still tears rolling down her face. "Okay", Luke whispered, "just know if you want to talk, Ill be there"

The next day was a Saturday. Julie had called Flynn the day before about the situation, it helped her calm down. They wanted to meet up that day, but Flynn's mom made her learn for an upcoming test.

When Julie went downstairs, nobody was there, but there was a note on the fridge.

Hey mija,

I'm at work and Carlos is at a friends house, so we wont be back until tonight.

There are leftovers in the fridge and one of your friends told me you should meet them at 2pm at the beach. It's a surprise,

Have fun!


Julie looked at the clock - 12:30 am - enough time for her to eat and get ready to meet whoever of her friends was planning this.

At 1:58 Julie arrived at the beach and saw... Luke holding dahlias standing there in front of a picnic. "I wanted to say sorry again and maybe we can talk about it this time", he spoke up.

"Okay, let's talk", Julie agreed and they sat down. "Okay, so again I'm sorry for kissing you like that" Luke started. "It's really not that bad, we can just forget about it", Julie told him. "If youre okay with that, sure. What I wanted to talk about is what you said about liking me, I-", the boy continued. "We can just stay friends, I'm sure I'll get over these feelings soon", Julie cut in.

"I hope you won't", Luke said. "What?", Julie asked confused, she thought she was going to get rejected once and for all. "I want you to like me because", Luke whispered grabbing her hands and looking in her eyes, "I like you too"

"You like... me?", Julie asked shocked. "I do, I really like you", Luke reassured, "and I would love to date you" Julie smiled, "I would like that" She leaned against his shoulder and they talked and ate for a bit.

"Hey Julie?", Luke said. "Yes?", she responded. "I'm sorry our first kiss was bad", he started, "but first kisses are often bad and that's why I want to make our second one special, so may I kiss you?" At the and of the sentence he had a hand on her cheek and was holding her hand with the other one. Julie leaned into his hand and smiled, "I thought you'd never ask"

Both of them leaned forward until their lips met. Their kiss was sweet, it tasted like the fruits they had been eating and this time Julie was kissing back. At the same time the sun was setting shining over the beach in red and orange light.

After that evening Julie and Luke got together for real, they won Prom king and queen at prom, moved in together after school and performed a lot of love songs for each other on tour.

Julie and the Phantoms one-shot for when I'm bored and you have ideasWhere stories live. Discover now