Chapter 1: Mama just killed a man

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"Sam were getting ready to leave come downstairs" her dad yelled "coming" she yelled back her black hair flying around her face and into her grey eyes as she raced downstairs. Her nine year old brother Luke and her five year old sister Zoë were sitting at the table, her dad was leaning over the counter.

Zoë was a spitting image of their dad with the same black hair and sea green eyes Luke though he looked like their mother with the same blonde hair and stormy grey eyes. Sam or Samantha Jackson was a little bit of both twelve years old and she had her father's black hair and her mother's grey eyes.

"Is mom back from work yet" Sam asked "no the firm kept her a bit late but she'll be home before we go out to celebrate Zoë birthday" her dad replied. Her mom worked for the biggest architecture firm in Manhattan and her dad worked for the marine biology centre.

Zoë fifth birthday was today and Sam and her entire family were going out tonight and by entire family that means her grandparents on her mom and dad sides. Her aunt Estelle on theirs dad's side and their uncles Bobby and Mathew on their mom's side.

Then you had their godparents Grover and Juniper who were their parents best friends and their two kids who were ten and four. Then you had their uncle Tyson and Aunt Ella and last their aunt/godmother Thalia they only saw her every few months because she was always travelling but they were going to see her tonight too.

Sam loved her family but their was one family member she had never met or could meet their uncle Jason he wasn't really their uncle but her parents had always talked about him like he was. Her parents kept a picture of him with their dad in the living room it was the last picture of him that had been taken before he was murdered when her parents had been eighteen.

Sam's thoughts were interrupted her mom walked though the door "how was the meeting" her dad asked "I want to stab everyone who was there" she replied. "Don't get blood on your dress we have dinner reservations for seven" her dad remarked "I love you for enabling me" her mom replied "love you too" he replied and kissed her.

Luke started making gagging noises and Zoë giggled at him Sam had to hold back a laugh at her brother's face her parents just rolled their eyes at them. Then their was knock at the door it was Grover and Juniper with their kids Grover had crutches for his legs and Juniper had some weird skin thing that made it look green.

Then their was their two kids Georgie who mostly hung out with Luke cause he was only a few months older and Daisy who's four she hung out with Zoë which usually left Sam alone. "Hey Percy, Annabeth" Grover said as he hugged her parents "are we early" Juniper asked.

"Well mine and Annabeth's parents are going to meet us at the restaurant along with Estelle, Bobby and Mathew, Tyson and Ella though should be here any minute though" Percy answered. "And will Thalia be Gracing us with her presence tonight" Grover said snickering "watch it Underwood I'll still beat you up" said Thalia who was standing in the door way.

Sam ran up and hugged her "hey Sam did you get taller again since I last saw you" Thalia asked ruffling Sam's hair. Then Thalia hugged Annabeth and turned towards Percy "how's it going old man" she asked Percy rolled his eyes "I'm only thirty-six Thalia" he retorted.

"Whatever" Thalia replied "Percy, Annabeth" Tyson yelled as he ran over and hugged them he and Ella had just arrived everyone was talking in the kitchen. Except for Thalia who was the living room Sam followed her Thalia was looking at the picture of Jason.

"What was he like" Sam asked she had asked her parents about him before but they both just ended up crying whenever they talked about him. But her aunt Thalia was strong she never cried if she could ask anyone about him it would have to be her.

"He was my brother and I loved him, but I lost him too soon and I still miss him and I wish you could have met" Thalia told her. Sam looked back over to her own brother Luke who was talking with Georgie about a flower he was holding.

That's when Sam noticed something else that happened next Georgie brushed some of Luke's blonde hair to the side and stuck the flower in Luke's hair, and Luke blushed. "Excuse me aunt Thalia I have to go tease my brother relentlessly" Sam replied Thalia laughed as Sam walked over towards Luke.

Everyone was getting into their cars to go to the restaurant, Sam walked over to Luke who was leaning on the car waiting to leave. "So you and Georgie" Sam said as Luke turned bright red "I have no idea what you're talking about" he replied "sure" Sam said dragging it out as she got into the car.

The five of them got into their "something wrong Luke your face is really red" her dad asked "no I'm fine" he replied. They made their way into the restaurant the had a nice dinner with her family and then it happened.

Her grandparents, aunt Estelle, and uncles Bobby and Mathew all had to leave so they could make their drives home. Tyson, and Ella had also left already so the only ones left were her parents, Grover, Juniper, Georgie, Daisy, Zoë, Luke, herself and aunt Thalia.

Their waiter came to their table and handed her dad their bill he payed it then she said something strange "thank you for joining us Perseus Jackson". All the adults tensed but none of the other kids found it strange except her.

Sam's Dad whispered something to Thalia, Grover, and Juniper the three of them were trying to rush all of the kids back to the cars but Sam slipped away and hid to watch. Sam was sitting in a coat closet with the door open just enough so she could see what was about to happen.

Her mom and dad were getting up when the same waitress approached them some words were exchanged that Sam couldn't make out then the waiter was covered in green scales. And as if that wasn't strange enough her parents both pulled out swords then Sam saw it her mother stab this thing.

What had been their waiter's body was lying on the floor then it slowly turned into yellow dust Sam was shocked her mother had just murdered someone. Her parents left the restaurant like nothing happened Sam made her way out after them to the car trying to process what she just saw.

Everyone was relieved when they saw Sam she just told them that she was in the bathroom then they went home. Sam was lying awake that thinking about about she had seen.

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