Chapter 13: You Won't Believe This False Hope

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Emily was seated right next to Avila and Michael with Sam and Jason across from her they were on a bus headed north to the Canadian border. The five of them had sat at the bus stop for an hour after Argus had dropped them off and Avila and Michael had snuck out of the trunk of the van.

Five ADHD and dyslexic demigods sitting on a bus together with all of them in the same spot outside of camp half blood they were practically asking to be eaten. And even at camp half blood Emily had still felt out of place she guessed it was because both of her parents were Roman demigods instead of Greek.

Chiron had told her about camp Jupiter the camp for Roman demigods but that was in San Francisco which was west and they were heading north. Besides she wanted answers about why her parents had lied to her and why the five of them had been kept apart.

And if Chiron hadn't been able to tell her why she seriously doubted that anyone at camp Jupiter would Emily's mind began to drift the bus was making her sleepy. She leaned her head back against the bus window she was suddenly aware of just how tired she was, Emily closed her eyes and it all faded into the darkness.

Emily was suddenly in someone house in Manhattan which she recognized by looking out the window, she wasn't sure where she until she saw her dad. Her dad was talking to a woman with blonde hair and grey eyes she recognized her as Sam's mother Annabeth Chase.

Sam didn't really look like mother the only way she physically resembled her mom was the eyes, they both had the same grey eyes except Annabeth's were cold and calculating. Sam's grey eyes were like storm clouds gathering at sea then another man entered the room he was easy to recognize Percy Jackson Sam's dad.

Sam definitely looked more like him with the same jet black hair, skin tone, and facial expressions they both had, "Leo just got off the phone with Piper and I called Grover. He, Juniper, and Piper are going to watch the kids" Percy said "any word from Chiron" her father asked as he said it Emily felt insanely guilty he looked so tired.

"Not a word and I've called him a billion times" Annabeth answered "I just heard back from from Reyna and Thalia they just got back into New York from San Francisco their almost to camp" her father replied. "Where's Hazel" Percy asked she and Will both needed some sleep Nico and Calypso are watching the kids" her father said.

Emily dream shifted it looked like the upstairs of the house their five kids who she recognized from the pictures the others had shown her of their siblings and the other two adults in the room. At one end of the room Bianca, Avila and Michael little sister was talking to Sam's little sister Zoë the other end of the room sitting on a bed Alex Jason's little sister and their mother Calypso was reading a story to Alex and her own little brother Charlie.

The only other people in the room seated away from everyone else it was Nico di Angelo even if she hadn't seen the pictures she could have seen that he was definitely Avila father she was practically a spitting image of him. He was seated next to a boy who looked older then the rest of the children there so probably nine years old he was Luke Sam's younger brother.

He definitely looked the part of Annabeth Chase's son with his blonde hair and cold calculating grey eyes like he was trying to study how long it would take him to get out of the room. "You alright" Nico asked Luke sighed "she told me, she told me that something strange was happening and I didn't believe her then she ran away and now mom and dad won't tell me anything".

Emily felt bad for Luke then extremely guilty she had done the same thing to Charlie her own brother she hadn't even said goodbye what had her parents told him? "Your sister going to be fine she'll be back before you know it" Nico told him then Luke asked the most shocking question of all.

"When did you know that you were gay" Nico was apparently just as shocked and Emily felt like she was intruding on a private conversation but it wasn't like she was in control of what she was seeing. "When I was ten years old I had lot of things I didn't like about myself and it got worse after my sister died" Nico answered.

"Anyone else know" Nico asked Luke looked down at his socks like he was ashamed "just Sam I didn't even have to tell her she just figured it out" Luke sighed. Nico put his hand on Luke's shoulder "did you know that when I was younger I had a crush on your dad" Luke let out small quiet laugh.

"No offence he just doesn't seem like you're type" then Nico let out a laugh "do me a favour and repeat that later on in front of him".

"EMILY WAKE UP" Avila yelled shaking her awake "what's happening" she mumbled half asleep then there was a large explosion at the back of the bus "we need to leave NOW" Sam yelled. Avila grabbed Emily's wrist and dragged her off the bus Michael was already off the bus then Sam and Jason followed them out the were about five feet away when the entire bus exploded.

"What just happened" Michael asked before any of them could respond to that they saw what had caused the explosion. Emily recognized from an old picture book on Greek mythology they'd had in the house when she was little Aunt Rayna had given it to her when she was two years old.

It was three Fury's their fiery eyes locked on them "we are so screwed"

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