Chapter 18: Time For Murder

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Emily was confused Sam had explained what happened in the throne room and Jason had explained his talk with Aphrodite and his plan to break them out. "You said that Khione had a silver crown was it Hera's" she asked "no hers was more of a tiara then a crown it definitely wasn't Hera's" Sam answered.

"Am I the only one here wondering why Aphrodite would give us the answer to escaping gods don't just do people favours we know that much" Avila said. "In the old stories Aphrodite helped those who she used for her tragic love stories" Michael answered and Jason paled.

"So how exactly are you going to use your fire powers" Emily asked to change the subject "my dad has them and I think I've used them before by accident" Jason answered. "When" Sam asked "a few days before you showed up at the garage, I'd just been suspended for getting into a fight with another kid.

I realized that night that I'd left my backpack in the workshop and when I came back into the house I overheard my mom, dad, and Aunt Piper talking about the fight. Apparently I left burn marks where I'd punched the kid I didn't know what they were talking about at the time that's also how I found out about the box too" Jason explained.

"So you think you can melt the walls and we what fight our way out of here those two huge guys are still out there plus a minor goddess with ice powers" Michael said. "We still have our weapons and I'm pretty sure the crown is close by" Sam answered "you think the crown is somewhere in this mansion" Emily asked confused.

"No she wouldn't keep it here it's too obvious" Jason answered "she said it was close by and that if agreed to join her and help her master they'd give us the crown" Sam explained. "Master, who's that" Michael asked "no idea she didn't say but it didn't sound good" Sam answered.

A million thoughts we're running though Emily's head something wasn't adding up here and when things didn't add up it never ended well "this isn't right" she said. "What are you talking about" Sam asked "the crown I don't think Khione took it" she answered "why do you think that" Jason asked they were all looking at her confused.

"God and goddess's can't take each other's symbols powers that's an Ancient Greek law that even the gods and goddess's have to abide by" Emily explained "she's right" Michael agreed. "So the crown's not even here" Avila asked "no it probably is nearby I think Khione is working with another demigod that the only way somebody could get into Olympus and leave with Hera's crown" Emily answered.

"That's how she knew where to leave her guards out to bring us here, she knew we were coming up here" Michael said "what do you mean" Avila asked she's got a spy at camp half blood" Michael answered. "Makes sense she needed someone to steal the crown and tell her that we were on our way here" Sam agreed "but why would she do all this just to get us here" Jason asked.

"The prophecy, like you guys said before she knows about the prophecy that's why our parents left camp it's clearly about the five of us and Khione wants on her side. That's why she had her spy steal the crown she told you she'd been waiting sixteen years for this she probably got tired of waiting and used this to draw us here" Emily explained.

"We need to get out of here then find the crown so we can get back to camp half blood and tell Chiron about the spy" Avila said "do you think you can melt the wall" Sam asked Jason. "Yeah I got this" he said like he was trying to convince himself instead of them, he closed his eyes and concentrated for a minute nothing happened but then both his hands were engulfed in flames, Jason didn't even flinch.

It took him awhile to melt a large enough hole for them to climb though in the ten inch thick wall ice but after what felt like hours they were all finally able to get out of the cell. They found their backpacks been placed outside of cell Emily still her bow and half quiver full of arrows from all the monster fighting.

The were almost to the door when Khione spotted them she threw a dagger towards them the blade was made out of ice instead of steal or celestial bronze probably so Khione could control it. The only reason she knew what the blade was made of was because it had landed in the back of her right leg as they were escaping Avila and Michael each got on one side of her so they could help her run.

They kept going until they found a nearby cave to hide out in and not a moment to soon it had started to downpour outside and the pain in her right leg from the ice dagger. Michael sat Emily down on a rock, according to Avila he was the only one who had payed attention when their dad had tried to give them some medical training.

Michael pulled a first aid kit out of his backpack and started unwrapping bandages "is she going to be okay" Sam asked the pain was making her feel like she was going to throw up. "I need to get the blade out first so I can see how deep it went in" Michael answered he pulled the blade out and Emily screamed out in pain "how bad is it" Jason asked.

"Bad it went in deep" he answered Emily was beginning to seeing black spots from the pain and felt like she was going to pass out so she tried to distract herself then she saw it. "Michael your hands, their glowing" she said Michael tested it out by putting one of his hands on the wound and the pain immediately subsided.

Soon the wound was nothing but a scar "how did you do that" Avila asked "cause I'm an Apollo legacy I guess" he answered then turned to Emily "you should be fine but I think we should all get some sleep". "Can't go anywhere in that storm anyways" Sam said soon enough Emily was beginning to drift off to sleep into the darkness that involved her.

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