Chapter 11: I'm Offered A Quest

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Sam was standing in the stables she was waiting for Jason to be done working in the forges with the rest of cabin nine and their was someone she wanted to meet in the stables. Sam had heard all of the stories about her parents from Sasha though she suspected that she was keeping something from her.

The other day there had been a massive fight between some of the cabins Sasha had gotten her and Jason out of the way but they still hadn't been told what it was about though Sam suspected it had something to do with her. She and Jason had been at camp for a week and she knew that her parents were bound to show up soon they needed a quest.

It wasn't like they'd be defenceless Sam had been working on her sword skills she was actually getting quite good at it but she still couldn't do the water powers part yet. And Jason had a magic tool belt he'd found in his box back at the garage also other campers he said that he might have the power of fire but if he did Jason hadn't said anything to her about it.

As she was waiting for Jason so they could talk about how they were going to get a quest Sam had decided to pay someone a visit from her dad's stories, Blackjack. Blackjack was a Pegasus her dad had recused when he was thirteen and had joined her dad on many other adventures and maybe she hoped he would have some answers.

Sam stepped into the stables there were a dozen of the winged horses but she recognized Blackjack immediately he was a large black stallion at the end of the row of the winged horses. The horse went towards her "you must be the boss's daughter" he said happily she guessed that the horse called her dad Boss that might make this easier.

"Hey Blackjack would you mind if I asked you something" Sam asked "anything for the boss's daughter" the horse replied "do you know why my parents left camp" she asked. The horse looked almost puzzled before he answered "not sure last time I saw the boss he was saying goodbye but he didn't say why" Blackjack said

Sam was a little disappointed but she had expected this she gave Blackjack some sugar cubes then she realized she was still wearing the pearl bracelet with the sun dollar on it. Sam wasn't sure why she was still wearing it but she felt like she needed to Sam started to leave the stables to go find Jason when Blackjack called back to her.

"If you need us just give a whistle and we'll be there" Blackjack said Sam smiled "thank you Blackjack" she said exiting the stables Sam made her way over beside the forges waiting for Jason. As she was waiting Sam felt something like she was being watched and she was sure the two kids sitting at the picnic table kept glancing over at her.

The kids sitting at the picnic table was a girl and a boy they both looked eleven the boy had blonde hair and blue eyes the girl though had long black hair and onyx eyes. Sam might have just been paranoid but then she heard a noise in one of the tree's and caught a glimpse of a strand of curly brown hair and golden eyes.

"Hey, Sam what are you" "be quiet and follow me no questions asked I'll explain in a minute" she said cutting him off Jason followed her confused till they reached the woods. "What's going on Sam" Jason asked "we're being followed" she whispered back "by who" he asked "the two kids who were at the picnic table and one kid in a tree" she answered.

"Why, I'm not sure yet" she said as they ducked behind a random cabin the two of them remained silent then they heard voices approaching. "Avila are sure we shouldn't just talk to them about this" the boy said "yes I'm sure can you just trust me I've already got Emily on lookout" the girl answered.

Sam uncapped riptide and Jason took out a sledgehammer out of his tool belt just as the other kids were about to turn around the corner they did first. "Back up" Sam said defensively the kids took a few steps back the girl took off her skull ring which became a long black sword.

The boy had a knife but he draw it he held his hands up "okay let's just all calm down" he said "then call your sniper out of the tree" Sam answered. "Emily you can come down now" he said a girl with chocolate brown hair and skin with the same golden eyes hopped down out of the tree she an arrow nocked and her bow drawn.

Jason spoke next "why are you three following us" "because we want answers same as you and we know the only way to do that is go on your quest" the blonde haired boy answered. "Your the other kids who arrived on the hell hound and the Pegasus" Jason said the others nodded "how did you know we were going to try and get a quest" Sam asked.

"We didn't but everyone saying Chiron going to give you one so you can prove your innocence" the black haired girl answered "what do you mean innocent I didn't do anything" Sam said. "They're saying you stole something, something from one of the gods Hera's crown" the Emily girl answered "she didn't steal anything" Jason said defensively.

Sam liked Jason was defending her but she still felt a pit in her stomach she started to walk away "Sam, Sam where you going" Jason asked "you work things out with them I'm going to talk to Chiron" she said. Sam didn't hear what he said next she just kept walking till she got to Chiron's office, he was sitting at his desk "I know about Hera's crown" she said Chiron sighed "I want to see the Oracle" she said Chiron nodded "alright"

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