Chapter 20: Why I Hate Family Reunions

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"Do you still have have the crown" Avila asked Emily "it's right here" she said holding it in her arms "that's perfect I wasn't sure if you'd make it out" a mysterious voice "now I'll be taking that crown". "Who are you" Sam said as she drew her sword "they never recognize me, well I'm sure Jason recognizes me" she said winking at him.

"Jason" Sam probed him "she's Aphrodite" he answered then it made sense she looked just like her but older taller and completely flawless as if it was a way to taunt her and she was sure the others were seeing someone else. "What do you mean your taking the crown" She asked "why do you think I told you how to escape who to escape from that ice queen, so you could bring me the crown" Sam stepped in front of Emily to shield her and the crown.

"You let them think I stole it when you knew exactly where it was" she said bitterly "of course I did that's why I let Khione's little spy take Hera's crown she needs to be taken down a peg". Sam thought that was a little rich coming from Aphrodite off all people but didn't say anything "we're taking it back to Olympus" Jason said defensively Aphrodite let out a laugh "and how are you going to stop me".

Then Sam did what was probably the stupidest thing she'd ever done "I challenge you to a fight you win I'll give you the crown, I win you leave us alone, unless what everyone says about you is true and you really are the weakest goddess" Sam said. She was slightly worried that Aphrodite would just vaporize her on the spot but she just stared down Sam with absolute hatred "alright Jackson you'll have your fight meet me in the water once you've said your goodbyes".

Aphrodite walked into the lake she was holding a bronze sword which looked like it's was more like it was for style then battle. "Sam what are you thinking you've only been fighting monsters for three and a half weeks now you're going to fight a goddess" Jason said.

Sam knew she was hopelessly out matched here Aphrodite might have been the goddess of love but she was still a goddess and Sam only had a week and half of sword fighting lessons from Sasha. She also didn't know how to use her powers so she would have to trust what Sasha had taught her otherwise she was as good as dead.

"Jason, trust me" she said "alright just promise you'll be okay" Jason said Sam took a deep breath "I promise" she replied she nodded to the others then she slowly stepped into the lake water. Sam uncapped riptide and faced Aphrodite she was using her powers to alter her appearance to distract Sam.

The only thing she had this right now was what Sasha had taught her and she had an idea if the others had used their powers in stressful situations maybe she could too. The water only went a a little bit below her knees she could feel push and pull of tide then she closed her eyes Sam used the water to duck and dodge as she slashed and cut with her sword.

Five minutes in Sam was pretty beat up she couldn't tell how Aphrodite was doing she still had her eyes closed Sam tried to concentrate then she felt a tug in her gut. Sam opened her eyes for just a moment to she was riding a wave Sam used the wave push off and jumped she turned her sword inwards and stabbed Aphrodite yelled out in pain.

Sam pulled her sword out and opened her eyes riptide in gold blood ichor she had stabbed her right in the rib cage Sam was about to stab her again when she yelled "enough I yield". And for a moment Sam was instantly relieved until Aphrodite whispered in her left ear "you've won this round but the minute you fall in love and believe me you will I'll be there to end it".

Sam shielded her eyes so she wouldn't been vaporized when the goddess turned into her true divine form and vanished Sam's legs turned to jello and she fell down into the lake. "Sam" Jason yelled as he ran over to her he held her but the water started to heal her and sat up.

"I don't break my promises" she told Jason he let out a small laugh "you Samantha Jackson are crazy" he said playfully "your the one who wanted a friend who got you into crazy adventures" she answered. Jason helped her to her feet and they walked out of the lake together and Sam was immediately pulled into a group hug "now that was awesome" Avila said.

"Thanks but we still have a problem" Sam said "which one" Avila scoffed "I need to get the crown back to Olympus and you guys back to camp "no way were coming with you" Emily answered. "You can't I need to be the one to bring it back they think I stole it and you need to tell Chiron about Khione and her spy I have a feeling there not done with all of us yet".

"Okay but how are we supposed to get from here to New York we're out of money and lost half our supplies in the caverns" Michael asked "I can shadow travel" Avila suggested. "But if it's all the way to Long Island I'll probably only be able to take two other people" she said "take Michael and Emily I'll stay with Sam" Jason said.

Sam wanted to argue but she was secretly glad Jason was coming "okay but how are you two going to get to the Empire State Building" Emily asked then Sam had an idea. Sam let out a long whistle "what was that for" Jason asked a few minutes later Blackjack "hey Blackjack you mind giving me and Jason a ride back to New York" she asked.

"No problem I'm the fastest flyer ever" he neighed "you guys ready to go back" she asked "as we'll ever be" Emily replied handing her the crown. "Let's go home then".

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