Chapter 9: A Unity of Hell

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It had been three days since Sam had run away and Percy Jackson was out of his mind with worry as he sat at the kitchen table running his hands though his jet black hair. Annabeth put her hand on his shoulder "how are Luke and Zoë" he asked "their fine they still think she's at a friend's house but Luke's getting suspicious.

"How are you doing" she asked Percy "I left her here for thirty minutes and she found that stupid box" Percy trailed off "don't blame yourself Seaweed Brain we both knew we'd have to tell her someday". "I know Wise Girl I just thought we'd have more time, and now we're going to see all of our old friends it's been sixteen years".

"Speaking of which I think their here" Annabeth said as a black car pulled into the driveway Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, and a little girl with long black hair and blue eyes got out of their car. "Dad who's car is that" Luke asked he and Zoë were standing in the kitchen "their old friends" he answered as Annabeth opened the door.

She hugged Will and Nico "wow, you got taller" he said "sixteen years you haven't seen me and that's the first thing you notice" Nico replied Percy gave him a bone crushing hug "you have not changed a bit" Percy answered. "Papa who's this" the four year old asked "Bianca this is Percy and Annabeth" Nico told her "and where are the twins" Annabeth asked "with your daughter I imagine" Nico said.

"I'm standing right here" Zoë pouted "sorry sweetheart, Nico, Will this is Luke and Zoë" he said Annabeth started chatting with Will and Percy turned to Luke "Luke I need you to do me a huge favour" he asked. "What kind of favour" he asked with raised a eyebrow "we have some old friends coming over with their kids and we need you to watch them for a bit" he answered.

"How many kids" Luke asked worriedly "just Zoë, Bianca and two other kids" Percy replied "fine but I'm not going to wear a princess dress again" Luke stated as he took Bianca and Zoë to go play upstairs. "So how exactly did your daughter get her hands on riptide I thought you were contented to the sword" Will asked.

Percy sighed "riptide always used to respond to me but the day Sam was born it stopped then we knew it was calling out to her so we put it in the shed with everything else". "What happened with the twins" Annabeth asked "Michael and Avila took Miss O, Leary out for a walk and none of them came back we think they got Miss O, Leary to shadow travel them" Will answered.

"That makes five, this is bad" Annabeth murmured "what do you mean that makes five" Nico asked "forty-five minutes after I called Hazel and Frank about Sam they called back. Apparently their daughter Emily disappeared and left their box of stuff from camp on the barn floor" he answered.

"Then fifteen minutes after that I got another phone call from Leo, when he went to get Calypso and their daughter Alex Sam ended up at the garage and met their son Jason. They found Leo's box and now we have no idea where they went" Percy explained.

"So it's happening the prophecy is coming true and everything we've done to prevent this from happening for the past sixteen years was all for nothing" Nico said. "We don't know it's the prophecy yet but some outside force is drawing them together it's no coincidence that they all left around the days as each other" Annabeth ponied out.

Nico opened his mouth to argue but he was silenced by the door bell Percy answered it standing there was Hazel, Frank and a little boy who was a spitting image of Frank. Percy hugged them like they were about vanish from his life all over again as they were hugging another car pulled into the driveway.

It was Leo, Calypso and a little girl with caramel coloured hair with brown eyes like Leo's it was a safe bet to assume she was their daughter Alex. They all came inside and Percy called Luke down so he could also watch Charlie and Alex while the rest of them talked about what they would do next.

Luke came downstairs his blonde hair was covered in sparkly blue glitter "what happened" Percy asked "I wouldn't wear the dress so they glittered me" Luke answered. "Here's the other two kids Alex and Charlie" "tell me where Sam is" Luke said "your mother already told you, she's at a friend's house" Percy answered "that's a lie Sam doesn't have any friends".

"Luke it's complicated" "she finally snapped didn't she then she ran away" Luke said "your sister did not snap" Percy retorted "so she did run away". Percy sighed "Luke we can talk about this later but I need you to watch the kids" "fine" Luke said as Alex and Charlie followed him upstairs.

The eight demigods sat down at the kitchen table they hadn't seen each other since the night of his and Annabeth's wedding sixteen years ago. That day had been one of the best of his life marrying Annabeth then it had all been ruined by that stupid prophecy and now his daughter was in danger.

Piper was on her way from Paris she had been working there they had called her she and Grover were going to watch the kids while Thalia and Rayna were out looking for them. The four boxes they brought were sitting on the kitchen table, the boxes held the only things that remained from their time at camp half blood and camp Jupiter.

Percy knew they should have burned the boxes like Annabeth had suggested sixteen years ago but he couldn't have bared to burn his memories of camp and now he was paying the price for it

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