Chapter 5: I Flood My Field Trip

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"I'm telling you Luke I know what I saw" Sam said to her brother who was sitting next to her on the bus, it was the last week of school and her's and Luke's classes had been paired up for a field trip. They were headed to an animal rescue farm out on Long Island, Sam and Luke always sat together because neither of them had any friends.

Probably because they had both been expelled from two schools also they both had ADHD and dyslexia so they weren't really anyone's first choice for a best friend. "Sam think about what you're saying " Luke replied "I swear our waiter was covered in green scales and mom stabbed it then the body was lying on the floor then it slowly turned into yellow dust".

"Sam you sound crazy you're saying our mom killed our waitress from the restaurant with a bronze knife and the body dissolved into yellow dust" Luke replied with a raised eyebrow. "Believe me I know how it sounds but know what I saw" she answered "you probably just forgot to take your ADHD meds I see all kinds of weird stuff when I don't take them".

Luke may have only been a nine year old with ADHD and dyslexia but his mind was always working a mile a minute and to him everything had a logical explanation. "This wasn't something my mind created I don't have the imagination to make up this sort of thing" she retorted.

Luke seemed to believe that much "Sam I want to believe you but what you're talking about is crazy theirs no explanation for that" Luke replied. "So you don't ever have a feeling that mom and dad are hiding something from us" she asked him as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Luke sighed "so you do agree with me" said Sam "about mom and dad hiding something from us not the whole mom murdered our waitress from the other night thing" he answered. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Sam got up the to ask him "what do you think their hiding" Luke sighed she could practically see the gears turning in his head.

Before Luke could answer they arrived at the animal rescue farm and the teachers began to explain the rules to us we had to be in pairs and no one was to break the farm's rules. That last part seemed aimed at her and Luke since they both had a reputation for breaking the rules and getting expelled.

Sam and Luke paired up their classes were standing in the field as the workers handed each of them a map of the grounds when Sam noticed something strange. "Okay I know this is going to make me sound even more crazy but are those cows starting at us with hatred in their eyes" She asked Luke.

He looked over at the cow, she was scared that he would say something that would confirm that she was really going crazy but he responded with "yup they definitely are looking at us with hatred in their eyes". Normally Luke would be talking about fifty different explanations for this but he was focused on someone else Georgie who didn't have a partner.

Sam sighed then turned towards Luke "go be partners with Georgie already" she said Luke's face immediately turned red and he began stuttering out unintelligible responses. "Just go" she said shoving Luke towards Georgie they both looked happier being partners anyways.

When the teachers finally let them go off on their own Georgie took Luke over to the garden to tell him about all the different types of plants that were there. Sam chose a different approach she went into the horse barn which everyone seemed to be avoiding for some reason.

She walked into the barn she was instantly nuzzled by a tall brown horse that's name was clover she smiled as she was petting the horse. "He likes you" a man said he must have been one of the workers there but wasn't dressed like it with his Hawaiian shirt and his shorts.

He also had this familiar glow to him like she knew his face but couldn't place it with his black hair and green eyes almost like her dad's "I think you dropped something" the man said. Pointing behind her, lying on the ground was the the most beautiful bracelet she had ever seen it had sand-dollar in the middle the rest on the string were pearls.

"Oh this isn't mine..." she trailed off the man was gone he had vanished "hey Sam what are you doing" Luke asked her he just walked into the and she slipped the bracelet on to avoid questions. "Nothing much where's Georgie" she asked to change the subject "he just went to grab his lunch he left it on the bus" Luke answered.

"Well, well, well looks like freak one and two are hiding out in the barn" it was Matt he was always making fun of Sam and Luke because they had ADHD and dyslexia. "What do want Matt" she asked rolling her eyes "your just lucky I don't hit girls" he replied "me neither, but I'd make an exception for you" she retorted.

Luke had to cover a laugh with an obviously fake cough then Matt shoved her she hit the wall next to the pipes "freak" Matt called her rage filled Sam like water in her lungs. Then one of the water pipes next too burst then the second, third, fourth and the fifth pipe burst blasting Matt back into an empty pen.

Unfortunately the empty horse pen was only empty because it needed to be cleaned so Matt ended up covered in horse manure and Sam ended up outside the principal's office waiting for her dad. Her dad came out later and they both got into the car "so theirs good news and bad news" he said "the good news is that the farm is not pressing charges against you".

"And the bad news" she asked "the school bored decided to expel you and their reviewing Luke record tomorrow to see if he's going to be expelled" her dad answered. The rest of the car ride was in silence her dad dropped her off at the house because he had to go pick up Zoë from her school.

Sam sat in their small backyard enjoying her last moments of freedom before she would be grounded when something shiny caught her eye whatever it was in the shed. She looked around the shed until she found it a box in the very back of the shed the thing that had caught her eye was a pen.

But the box was filled with other things a sword and knife pictures of her parents with other people that she didn't know and two orange tee-shirts that read camp half blood. Sitting next to the pen was a business card that said Leo and Calypso's garage it also had an address this could be the place, she could have her answers about what her parents were hiding.

Sam knew she needed to do this she grabbed the card and her backpack and made her way to the bus stop, once she was there she bought a ticket for the next bus to Indianapolis. It was going to be a sixteen and a half hour bus ride she learned as she got on the bus that's when she noticed the pen from the box was in her pocket.

"Strange" she thought as the bus pulled away from the station.

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